The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

The real pro move (apparently) is to pre-announce all the crimes you plan to do and exactly how you plan to do them.

Folks, I’m gonna rob a bank. With a big shotgun, the biggest and best you’ve ever seen by the way, I’m gonna say ‘gimme the money’, just like that, ‘gimme’ and then probably shoot one or two like dogs because you have to show these people, they don’t understand sometimes, the bank people that you’re serious so you have to shoot someone and I’m going to. Then I’m going to take the money, they have these bags, swag bags I call them, swag it’s a good word I came up with, and they have dollar signs on them and I’ll take the money and drive off. The best getaway you’ve ever seen most likely since Bonnie and Clyde, maybe theirs was better who knows but it’ll be great.


Sounds good to me, I mean if what you were planning to do was bad you wouldn’t just say that you’re going to do it, that doesn’t make any sense.

Now your secret charitable donations that you are hiding from us, those I’m suspicious about! What do you have to hide!

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He stole like $100 million from his inauguration and we have one charge, not even against Trump, of not reporting tuition and car payments. Lol lawyers, lol america


Literally 9 figures coming in and they put out a parade with 10-year-old girls spinning batons in red white and blue outfits. Nothing fishy about that

And then stiffed the 10 year old girls. Financially.


Hey Maggie, unless I missed something Donald Trump has not been indicted


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Legit no idea if this is made by his team or suppose to be a jab at him.



Does this come with freedom fries?


Remember when freedom fries the dumbest idea you could imagine coming from the right? Those were the days.


Wait till the brexiteers here get to go back into Macdonalds and it will start up in the UK too.

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i don’t remember anyone thinking that was the dumbest. that was a response to france wanting out of coalition of the willing, right?

The fact that there are people posting that picture unironically depresses me.

I’d lay 8:1 trump has never fired a gun in his life.

I’d take that bet. Trump has a concealed carry permit and owns several guns.

I wonder how much he paid for the permit. No way he did even that course.

I’m genuinely shocked by that. He seems like such a wimp and city guy.