The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Yes. You have to imagine that generations from now this period and Trump will be more or less summed up as white people throwing a temper tantrum. The idea that we have somehow moved beyond racism—set alongside the progression from Obama to Trump and the response of white America to both—will rightfully be considered insane.

Yeah, we already went over this earlier in this thread. Because the vast majority of people are “not rich”, the majority of Trump supporters are poor AND the majority of Biden supporters are poor. Writers need to build narratives and it’s very easy to fall into generalization traps while doing that. It’s a fine line - sometimes generalizing has value. Example - if you are trying to sell stuff to people, targeting ads at people that are more likely than average to buy it, even if no individual person is >50% likely to buy it, then the simple narrative “Type A Consumers but Shit X” is a useful shorthand. Especially if you need to build support for a sales campaign, the more you hem and haw and qualify the narrative the less traction it will have. This is very true in politics. Simple narratives have more power to provoke support or opposition than complex analysis. The eDems fall flat on their faces on this over and over and over again. The whole technocratic class flunks this test too, see Covid and the public policy response. Motivating mass response requires simple, appealing narratives.

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I live in rural white America. A lot of people here hate all politicians and like Trump because he doesn’t (LOL) lie. The mayor of my town is R and lives on my street. My buddy is convinced he steals millions. :man_shrugging:

They just mean that they don’t like people that don’t say the things they want to hear.


No. They really do think they are all scum. I’m telling you. I’ve lived in rural America for 6 years. They rationalize Trump’s behavior with crap like Hillary eats babies. They are all bad but at least Trump is honest about it.

This all feels like the same thing to me. They like that Trump says it’s ok (even good!) to kick down at black people, trans people, “liberals”, etc. etc. They don’t really need to rationalize Trump’s behavior, as long as he keeps saying “nothing is your fault, the non whites are are coming to steal your jobs and ruin your neighborhoods, the eggheads that are saying the world is complex are all lying to you it’s actually really simple” etc. etc. then they don’t really care what he does. I am sure they sincerely believe Hillary eats babies because they are building psychological walls between themselves and reality. They’re miserable enough living in their fantasy world full of petty grievances, think of how miserable they would be if they accepted reality!


It’s the same thing. Everything they want to hear is the truth and everything they don’t want to hear is a lie. Everyone who says what they want to hear is awesome and everyone who doesn’t eats babies.


FoS PoS calls BS.

Arizona Republic story is paywalled.

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lol ward is still fuming about AOC coming to steal your hamburgers, what a fucking loser


You’re getting warm Rob

Reiner apparently making a movie about Trump.

Saved to watch later. No spoilers please.


“Just” admitted? As in, this wasn’t something he was doing all along?

That was an excellent recap of the events. It’s honestly kind of incredible that more of these terrorists were Ashli Babbitted.

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Just admitted as in he said, today, that he didn’t pay taxes because he didn’t know that was a thing, it’s not a big deal, it’s not his fault he’s stupid and it’s not fair and what about the real criminals.

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Since some people get away with some things, he reasons that he should get away with cheating on his taxes. Otherwise there’s no justice.

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Trumps smartest move in all of this has been openly admitting his crimes.

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There’s a solid contingent of Latinos that like him, too, in south Florida, at least.