The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years


Why did these dummies build two miles of wall a day with gaps in it to exist for Biden?

Seems slightly sus :thinking:

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We know that. The CFO didn’t commit a bunch of crimes at his own volition. Trump was always directly involved.

But that doesn’t matter.

I have a slight bit of interest because actual charges are more than tax issues.

But weasel will like plea bargain to some minor tax evasion/avoidance charge with a fine and probation of some kind.

Them being poor is only a temporary situation. They’ll be Uber rich within 5 years. Just ask them.

I will continue to lol lawbros until I am given reason to no longer lol lawbros.


Whats so fucking funny is you go into these twitter threads of these breathless we got him lawbros and you see posts of meme after meme of badly photoshopped TFG in handcuffs, in orange jumpsuits, whatever, and all I can think is “this is the left’s Q”


Narcissists have an amazing ability to promote into reality things they would like to be true and to blur the line between appearance and reality. It’s what makes Trump a good showman, the same sort of process is going on inside his head.

It’s lucky this ability to believe things you would like to be true is unique to narcissists and that normal people don’t do this at all. Now if you’re excuse me, I must return to eagerly reading Twitter threads on how Trump will imminently be frogmarched to jail.

Yea that seems fair. Although Trump can’t count on Russia or Deutsche Bank anymore.


Cliffs: Trump will stop paying his bills so Weisselberg will realize Trump ain’t his friend then flip just like Cohen did and then they’ll all get got.

Eric Trump (paraphrasing): We’re ENTITLED to commit these crimes! Sooo unfair.

I actually thought he was going to shed a tear.


It’s why they support tax cuts for the rich obviously. They are always thinking to the future!

We all know he loves to sign checks. Remember when the first Covid payment was delayed so he could sign the checks?

Good times.


Guys look I found the perfect AG


Video is definitely bullshit. Those look like well taken care of pet mice not wild ones. And if you’ve ever seen wild mice/rats they do not calmly come out of holes like they, if they were afraid of that snake they would be flying out that hole. I mean one of them even calmly waits for the guy to put the bucket back before he comes down lol.

Full video shows the snake coming out and it looks like someone is pushing it through from the other side. You can kinda see it there at the end when danger noodle is hitting his head on the wall.

Plus honestly 10+ wild mice/rats would absolutely fuck up a snake in a small space like that, and the snake would chill in there even if they didn’t. He isn’t coming out of a small dark space with possible food.


:round_pushpin: :balloon:


First it was Gab, then Parler, now GETTR.

The right is full of suckers.

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There were a bunch of videos that did something similar where they’d throw mentos in a hole by a river filled with water and catfish would jump out. The creator admitted that they dug the hole and had two openings with people feeding the fish into one side so they’d pop out the other and the camera shot was tight enough so the other hole would be off camera.

Seems like the same thing here with the wall doing the same thing as the tight camera shot

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This still makes me cry with laughter :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I just think it’s intellectually dishonest to pretend that all Trump supporters own boat dealerships or whatever the Chapo meme was. It’s somewhat comforting for Trump opponents to pretend this is the case, but it is simply not accurate.

Lots of genuinely poor people (lower middle and working class) supported Trump. Not as many as support the Dems, sure, but many more than have historically supported Republicans. Of course they are disproportionately white and of course racism is an enormous factor. I wouldn’t argue that the economics are why they supported Trump, though I do think the economics of geography are one piece of the explanation. But it’s simply not even close to true that all Trump supporters are local rich people, as tidy as that narrative may be.


It’s basically just white people. Rich, poor, whatever, white people in America are racist as fuck and mega-entitled. The white cosmopolitan elites that hate Trump are like a fraction of a percent of the population.

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