The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Apparently they have lots of cops in the gallery for the vote.

would they be disappointed if they don’t get to insurrect next time? like half of them don’t want to win elections anymore, they want to take power by force, because that owns the libs once and for all.

appearing that they won the election is important for legitimacy of course, but that’s just kinda a stressful activity every year where rich people buy power through superpacs, and that’s just not that interesting to the average trmp supporter.

The Dems are going to make these hearings a referendum on which team lives cops the most, which the Dems will lose badly and then be all like surprised_pikachu.gif when they can’t mobilize Georgia voters in the midterms.

Damn, we spent two years trying impeach Trump again and giving medals to the cops and no one wants to vote for us. WTF?


It’s important if we find out trump was setting up a coup behind the scenes. No charges are going to come of it but still would be good to learn about it.

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Apparently the corporation CFO was indicted as well as the corporation.

I think it’s worth investigating what the fuck went on with the response on 1/6 and why the fuck it took hours when people were literally inside the capitol.

But like others have said, Merrick Garland will probably be blocking Congress from seeing executive branch communications.

No it isn’t.

At the very least, it shouldn’t be the job of fucking Congress. Isn’t shit like this what the Department of Justice is for?

What Congress should be addressing:

  • Voting rights
  • Infrastructure
  • Health care
  • Student loans
  • The environment
  • Minimum wage
  • About a zillion other things that ACTUALLY HELP PEOPLE

Seriously, wasting time on this is a godsend to every low info voter who thinks that it doesn’t matter who they vote for because neither side will do anything for them.


Garland as AG is going to go down as one of the worst appointments of my lifetime. Complete disaster.

We got him. No not him. Weaselberg.

I think the thought process that not finding out every one of those fuckers and exactly what involvement they have in a capitol insurrection is a waste of time is ridiculous. (plus needing to know who fucked up, how they fucked up, why they haven’t been fired yet for fucking THAT up)

It sucks that congress ends up having to do this shit and R’s simply dgaf but I’m pro this.

(in before it’s about as useful as the mueller report)

(it took 9/11 commission from congress before we got anything out of that shit too, congress is the only place that does anything I guess, idk what the DOJ actually does)

(you probably forgot, everyone in gov’t lied about all of that at the time, we didn’t know a lot of shit until after the commission report)


The latest: Weisselberg surrendered to the Manhattan district attorney’s office early Thursday morning, according to the New York Times. He is expected to appear in court alongside lawyers for the Trump Organization.

Why it matters: The indictments are the first in Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance’s long-running investigation into Donald Trump’s finances, which has attracted national media attention and triggered a legal battle that twice reached the Supreme Court.

The exact charges were not immediately clear, but they are believed to be related to allegations of unpaid taxes. The indictments are expected to be unsealed Thursday afternoon.
Prosecutors have mounted an aggressive effort to pressure the 73-year-old Weisselberg — who has served the Trump family for nearly half a century and has intimate knowledge of the Trump Organization’s finances — to cooperate in the investigation.
Trump and his family members have reportedly not been charged, but the investigation is ongoing. “I can’t say he’s out of the woods yet completely," Trump lawyer Ron Fischetti told AP on Monday, while deriding prosecutors’ findings as highly underwhelming.

Narrator: He was out of the woods completely.


But we do know exactly what happened with 1/6, right? Trump and the rightwing derposphere riled up a bunch of angry halfwits who then stormed Congress. There’s nothing significant to uncover here and there’s no way Trump ever gets charged, so what’s the point?

I do think we should know the details. There wasn’t a real law enforcement response for like 5 hours. It’s not changing anything politically but we should know how and why that happened.

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Don’t we know? Capitol Police told the Pentagon they didn’t need the National Guard on standby and it takes some hours to mobilise the National Guard if they aren’t on standby. That’s it.

By all accounts, including Wolff’s recent book, Trump was confused by who the hell these people were and what they were doing there. He was delusional enough to think he could retain power via basically official means.

I guess for the historical record it will be nice to know all the details, much like the Muller Report is an important document. For the Dems to showcase this as their big work product after voters gave them a turn at the wheel, it’s suicidal. Voters aren’t staying up at night worrying if the 1/6 guys are ever getting arrested. No one cares much if Trump skates by with no accountability. This country never holds crooks accountable and we’re all fine with it, look at Rumsfeld.


Oddly I agree with all those posts, I guess I don’t have a strong opinion either way.

If you were to wake someone up from a 5-year coma and tell them that supporters of the loser of the presidential election mobbed the capitol building in protest and killed at least one cop, and then ask “do you think congress should investigate?” I assume their response would be “what the fuck? Yes of course.” The problem is when you start to add actual people to the generic players in that story. Oh, it’s the democrats that will be doing the investigating? OK, probably gonna be a farce. Oh, it was Trump who incited it and he’s never faced consequences for anything? OK, so we’re not going to see anyone disciplined for it. Oh it’s the modern republican party on the other side of this? OK, they’re going to stonewall the investigation anyways.

Do it quietly, make actual recommendations to improve our system and/or prevent this in the future, implement those recommendations while you have power (lol), and then shut the fuck up about it.

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I had the thought this morning that Weaselburg might flip. Then I laughed at my own stupidity. Of course he won’t. He is a rich white guy. I’m sure he has probably already been released on bail or is about to be and will never set another foot in custody in his life.

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We got him. But not HIM. Some other him.

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If Congress people were actively participating in a coup, that’s important to know.