The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

god we need an angery react so bad


It’s now the prosecution that is leaking. It’s propaganda being put out by Trumps team. The DA may be making replies for messaging but not the original source (according to some Twitter lawyers).

You guys crap on law bros, but they can do good

nm being covered in the LC thread

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Seems obvious in the stories I’ve read. His NY lawyers seem more competent than Rudy.

Here’s a badass editorial that some junior staffer had some intern write:

Why the fuck on Earth was Cosby released?

Short answer lol PA Supreme Court thought it was not fair other victims testified.

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People are being dismissive of the struggles Trump supporters face and how those ads for expensive clothes could build up resentment. We have elitists talking down to them wearing those same fancy clothes and meanwhile I know Trump supporters who had to resort to using their bed sheets for clothes.


Hats, too.


Thank goodness, now me might finally solve the riddle of what happened on 1/6. Such a mystery!


Let’s see if Nancy has figured out how to enforce subpoenas yet. I’m gonna go with “no.”

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Bi-partisan approval. Nice.

Who are they even gonna subpoena? The MAGA Shaman guy? What in gods name are they expecting to find out with this?

Maybe Republicans will boycott the committee and refuse to participate.

No short answer is that dumbfuck Castor made a private deal with Cosby that negated him using the 5th to avoid testifying in the civil suit.

The bizarre thing is that without the deal/civil deposition/new DA reneging on the deal he never would have even been criminally charged.

So all in all some justice got served in a totally bastardized fashion. 3 years plus being publicly convicted is the best we could probably hope for.

yes I contradicted myself about Castor but it’s that kind of screwy set of circumstances

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I hope they do, nothing would be better than stopping this useless farce immediately.

They’ll get phone records for who Trump was calling during the riot then subpoena those people, then they won’t show up and Merrick Garland will intervene arguing executive privilege on behalf of Trump. That will wind it’s way through the courts until Ron DeSantis is president.

What the democrats still haven’t internalized is that Republicans explicitly approve of literally any behavior geared towards depriving Democrats of power. They already know Trump “did it,” probably with help from GOP officials - and they like everyone involved more, not less, because of it.

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Even if Trump wasn’t completely immune from any prosecution, nothing he said at the rally would rise to the level of inciting a riot. Just a totally pointless exercise.

Best we can hope for is some National Police chief guy gets shitcanned for not doing his job.

I have not followed this at all, but has “everything” come out regarding the police force deployment. IIRC there were stories that some muckety-muck made sure the cops were limited in number and weaponry. Of course, this is not the main story but it undoubtedly enraged some of the House members.

I guess it’s better to know than not know but the idea that this will matter politically is pure fantasy. The GOP is explicitly pro-insurrection.

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