The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

And even disemboweled.

I would say Donnie Dumb Dumb is a great example of the phenomenon of “the perfect storm”. A number of factors all had to fall into place for America to elect the worst person in the country to be President, and it’s easy to pretend that no one could have seen all those things falling into place at once. But an honest look back shows that all the warning signs were there and they were casually ignored by people that had too much to lose by provoking changes to head off the, in retrospect, predictable disaster. This is actually the most common experience in risk management failure, but people are routinely and repeatedly duped by the narrative of the unforeseeable tail risk.


I wish this were true, but it’s just not. Fox News, OANN, Newsmax, and Facebook give them the dopamine hits they need. All of those propaganda platforms will get behind whichever R candidate is on the ticket. The dopamine will come from lunching down and owning the libs. These people aren’t going back to not caring about politics any time soon.

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The next guy won’t have the cult following Trump did but it won’t matter because the GOP supports authoritarianism now.

Like we’re not gonna see random deplorables touting the latest talking points about FISA warrants and BRUCE AND NELLY OHER and shit, nobody will have that level of personal investment in the next GOP president, and they could even turn on him, but it won’t matter because the country will be over

The uniqueness of Trump is him rising to the Presidency despite, and to a large extent because of, his severe and obvious personality disorders. His “ideology” continuing on is not controversial. Wouldn’t be surprised if DeSantis or whoever became President. Would be surprised if someone like Matt Gaetz did, and even he may not be nearly as fucked up as Trump is.


Trumpism as an ideology is his severe and obvious personality disorders, amplified through the government and it’s policy. He attempted to institutionalize narcissism, and it turns out that 70 million Americans agree that the world revolves around them and things should be provided to them but not others and that everyone else is jealous of them and is out to get them and that bullying and withholding are right and proper techniques for human interaction, and that the government should do all of these things on a national scale.


That existed before Trump. Not enough to get people to vote for a random politician.

OAN ratings down 56% since January.

I am not sure why people don’t think Trump was the thing. It’s pretty clear he was the thing. Horrible Americans didn’t get invented in 2015. Just a champion for them to worship.

People need to really reflect all the crazy stuff people have done in the name of Trump. That is non transferable.


And they won’t believe a desantis or anyone else can deliver that and will resign themselves to poisoning their neighbor’s dog and drunken boat racing.

They believe Trump. They believe he can do all that stuff. They don’t believe anyone else.

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Yea. Look at the rally the pillow guy had. Peanuts compared to Trump rallies.

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I hope this is right. If someone sells themselves as continuing Trump’s hard work to drain the swamp it might work. There is almost certainly a playbook for handing over control of a cult from one cult leader to another.

See David Miscavige



2 weeks

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Lolololol fuck you Neal Katyal you literal slavery defending piece of fucking human filth.


what do you call three lawyers upto their necks in cement? not enough cement



Ah well nevertheless

I hover over the link and it says trump-organization-criminal-charges. Wow! Did not see that coming. Click the link: “could”. Fuck you, NYT.


…I know that one with a pool of cat feces.