The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

trump and desantis won’t be in the same primary ie, if trump runs, desantis won’t. So trump won’t say anything there. Also he now is a resident of the state desantis is gov of, as much as he’d love to fire off–he won’t because of what he’d do if the situation was reversed.

You can hide the height thing better nowadays. If that all fails just say the libs are lying.

Desantis’ Sean Spicer will insist at the first white house press corps press conference that Desantis is the tallest of all-time.

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I think Trump needed to be Trump to win, but now that he has activated the politics cult switch in half the country the next person won’t need to have the Trump “it” factor. He has awoken millions of truly deplorable, sincerely idiotic, racist, ignorant, shitstain human being fuckwits who never cared about politics before. They’ll vote against the socialists at every opportunity now. Desantis is dangerous and we should not sleep on his chances.



Some of them have been hanged upside-down on a bar though.


it’s a turnout game for the GOP at this point. Nobody other than trump is gonna get that level of turnout. The only question is how will the democrats drive turnout. They also are pretty dependent on trump to get the voters to the polls

It’s always been a turnout game.

If Republicans control Congress they’re never certifying a Democratic President, ever. And unless Democrats pass anti-gerrymandering laws and take away the authority of congress to overturn an election, the country is over. That’s the message to drive turnout.

I don’t think this will drive turnout, the median potential Dem voter isn’t close enough to the mechanics of governance to believe this stuff. The people that follow politics closely enough to see the risk of totalitarianism are already locked up as Dem voters.


To drive turnout:

Do something that people actually want, then campaign on Republicans wanting to take it away.



Shit I think you run in a platform of sending Jared to prison. I don’t think the Trumpers like him. You might get some crossover votes.

it is more than ever, now, though. There are no swing voters. The idea of “reaching out” and convincing someone to change their mind is quaint and doomed to failure.

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and of course shitlibs have no idea about this and think moving to the center is the only thing that can possibly work

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It’s an Enlightenment-influenced notion of man as a rational creature that pays respect to human agency and freedom. We need to move on from that to a more post-Enlightenment, postmodern understanding of how people act and how the world works.


Nah. Those voters need the dopamine hit. They ain’t getting that unless Trump is on the ticket.

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Not sure about that. Facebook has automated Trumpism to a large extent. See the current phony controversy around Critical Race Theory. The derposhere has its own critical mass.


I’d feel much better about the future if all of the “Trump is a unicorn and can’t be replicated” people are correct.

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Good post. Very true.

They’re not. Donald Trump isn’t an aberration. He is a warning shot of what’s to come.

Trumpism isn’t stopping. He has kids.