The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Just one man’s opinion, but I wouldn’t underestimate Desantis. Saw many a Desantis flag flying in Florida recently, and he appeals in a big way to the deplorables that weren’t fully amused with Trumps antics.

And that guy is in some ways more dangerous than Trump, who pretended to be deplorable for votes. This guy truly means it, deep down.

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Yea we all know the guy is evil. We’re saying he won’t have the cult following that Trump has.

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Even though I think you’re very wrong, I’m rooting for you so hard to be right.

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DeSantis doesn’t truly mean anything except himself. But I think this is what makes him so dangerous. He’s quite a bit smarter than his public persona makes him seem.

I’m probably not disagreeing with you in effect, but I don’t think he’s truly a fascist. He’s not truly anything. He just wants power. And he’s quite happy to do the fascism for it.

You may well be right, but does it matter whether he really loves fascism or if he just loves power and is willing to do the fascism to get it? Seems like the end result is nearly identical.

Yeah, I tried to say that. It doesn’t matter at all. The path is clear and he is a guy who will do ANYTHING to stay on course.

I still think that there has to be some liking for fascism. Are you saying that if being a Dem was higher EV to get to POTUS, then he would have been a D? In FL there probably was a time not too long ago where that may have been the case.

Have you watched him? He’s just a boring dude. Cult leaders are few and far between for a reason.

And yes, I 100% agree he is very dangerous. If he’s successful, I think it’s because he captures the suburban white vote. But a cult following like Trump has? Don’t see it.

I think we need to see what Ben Garrison does. :joy:


I agree with everything said here.

But in my mind, “boring dude who gets suburban white vote” and “object of cult of personality” aren’t practically any different if either one can win.

So while DeSantis can’t get elected the same way Trump did, he can certainly shape policy in this country the way Trump did. And I’d argue he’d be significantly more effective in doing so.

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DeSantis is running for Governor again in 2022. His campaign should be worth watching for it could give us an indication of what kind of campaign he would run as a Presidential candidate. He barely won in 2018 despite being one of Trump’s primary bootlickers. Seems to me that he suffers from a pretty serious lack of personality.

The field is a lot smaller for fascism because even a lot of scummy politicians hold some admittedly weak principles.

I absolutely think DeSantis would be a D if he thought he could get to the White House that way.

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Not sure I agree with this. The Republican Party literally had no agenda other than “whatever Trump wanted”. They would follow Trump’s lead because of his popularity. I think with a different and less charismatic and popular President they would be more divided about exactly what they wanted to do legislatively.

Is there really any disagreement in the Republican Party about what to do legislatively?

  • Tax cuts for the wealthy and giant corporations? Yes!
  • Appoint absolute nutcases to lifetime appointments in the federal court system? Yes!
  • Do enough racist shit to satisfy the base? Yes!

Am I missing anything?


Sure, I agree. He’s a dangerous dude.

Troll the libs?


it’s florida, he’ll win easily. It’s moving rightward if anything.

Doesn’t help the florida democratic party is the WOAT, even by democratic party standards.

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2018 was a blue wave year, so him barely winning means he will perform much better as a reasonably popular incumbent in a midterm year with an incumbent D president. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him win by 10 next year. Florida is a lost cause. The one silver lining I’m hoping for if DeSantis gets the nom in 2024 is maybe Dems won’t waste so much money trying to win statewide in Florida.


Yeah, it is now. But at some point a long time ago DeSantis had to decide D or R. I don’t know how long ago that was, but if it was in the Obama years, I think D would have been the higher EV (but ultimately wrong in hindsight) answer.

I got Ohio as this cycle’s why the **** are democrats sending so much money to that race we’re gonna lose by double digits and everyone knows it. The TN/SC/KY/etc move.