The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

It’s not just motivated and smart enough, you gotta have the charisma to motivate the masses for whatever you do.

Like Hitler couldn’t have pulled off Hitler shit if he was lame and boring.

DeSantis will do evil shit but he won’t have the cult ready to defend or do anything for him. He won’t be untouchable


I dunno, I think Trump primed the pump on this kind of stuff, and it won’t take nearly as much charisma to carry it forward. That’s my pessimistic view at least.


You may right, but it’s probably not DeSantis. He’s just too boring. Listen to his press conferences. They are a snooze fest.

I mean guys like Hitler or Trump come around once every hundred years. The cult following is not normal.

Like, imagine Biden flags. Ridiculous right? Yet we see Trump flags all the time.

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A house I drive by all the time owned by a seed dealer has a sign: “Don’t blame us we voted for Trump!”


DeSantis will win back white men in the suburbs though. If he can do that while keeping rural turnout up, gg America.


Actual LOL, this guy is the GOAT


One thing that seems different now is that the media carries these people so much. You have Tucker and OANN frothing people up every night literally to have mass executions, and that makes up for a lot I think. Trump shifted the Overton window a ton, and pulled media with him. I don’t think Drsantis has to be charismatic at this point, the window is already squarely centered around policy that is fucking horrific and provides plenty of space for evil underlings and states to fuckpeople up unhindered.


Joe Rogan is worth a bet on that predict thingy, this could be the million dollor bet @beetlejuice is after, cause if he runs he wins imo.

I saw an article headline about Rock saying he has to consider it if there are 40 percent of Americans that want him to run. lol America

Like his mom hadn’t said that a thousand times previously.

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Rogan actually abhors the idea of a presidency so him running makes sense to me given his flip floppy hypocritical nonsensical existence.


You people are out of your goddamn minds if you don’t think DeSantis can pick up the mantle of Trumpism.


Yeah right after I read those posts I saw this.

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DeSantis, yes. The cult following Trump has? No.

There are a million scumbags that can be the asshole Trump is. It’s not enough. Whatever it is, you need “it,” and I don’t think DeSantis has it.


Trump was a household name. People associated his name with rich and successful. People associate DeSantis with being a Florida politician. He’s a more polished Rubio, not Trump. He could win, but he’s never holding rallies with tens of thousands of devoted loyalists.


I think you’re overestimating needing “it”.

I know exactly what you’re talking about, but it’s not required in the Trump era. All you really need is to be an unabashed piece of shit.

For example, Sean Hannity is as boring as watching cheese age, but he has 2.5 million people who watch him every night and many more who listen to his radio show driving home.

Literally all he needs is Trump’s blessing.

Not at all. Don Jr, Ivanka etc wouldn’t even get 5% the crowds Donald did. It’s not even Queen with Adam Lambert, its just a bad cover band playing for free for 10 people.


2.5 million vs the 70 million that voted for Trump.

Trump was extremely well-known before he ever ran for President. I don’t think Trumpkins even know who DeSantis is. He doesn’t generate that much national coverage, and when he does its nothing charismatic. Tucker Carlson would have a much better chance of stirring up excitement among the deplorables.