The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

How much of it is Kushner’s actual stupidity and how much is Trump’s jealousy that Jared gets to bang Ivanka though?


I’m sure they came to some sort of hidden cam arrangement that keeps them both happy.

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assumes facts not in evidence

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Leopards, faces, etc.

Andy Dufresne, who crawled through a river of shit and came out smelling like shit on the other side.


I hope he weeps every night, asking God why he has been forsaken.

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His chances for 2024 are so very…chance-like.

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lmao 13% of dem voters

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I remain convinced that if you were to look at a room full of MAGA people, enough would fuck with pollsters to alter the results of any poll.

I’m not going to lie, there’s a troll element inside me that would be tempted a little bit to say Trump is likely to be reinstated.

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Either trolling or Trumpers who registered Dem 30 years ago but haven’t voted Dem in decades.

Kinda scraping the bottom of the barrel with Bill O’. Couldn’t get Bongino or Nugent or someone like that as an opening act?

In other news:


“It’s only a few dates close together…it could be done if it works out like it should…could cancel…but yup…kinda a gut punch statement. But we are in an information war, so who the hell knows,” wrote another with Trump supporter Angela Baldwin writing, “So basically the August thing is a bunch of bull because a reinstated President doesn’t go on tour.”

…actually, why not? Wasn’t Trump rallying all the time when he was in office?

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Yeah, these people confuse the shit out of me. I would have bet my life they would have all gone with this confirms it.

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one of trmp’s fake personas enters the race


Fascists prowling the streets at night assault a lone female military veteran while accusing her of being an antifa nazi fascist. One of them was identified. A high school dropout meth addict ex con who loves Donald trump! Diner safari 2021 edition


Dawson said he is upfront with potential employers about his online reputation and has struggled to find work.

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I’m proficient in word, excel, and calendar applications. And I’m an open fascist who roams the streets at night in a gang assaulting people on video


Perfect resume for Academi/Xe/Blackwater/Erik Prince Inc./DeVos Educational Consulting.


Associate professor at prager u