The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Opinion signed by Drunky McDrunkFace:

The power of the President to pardon is not to be questioned and is absolute, unless they are a Democrat, therefore your little pardon reform bill is unconstitutional when applied to President DeSantis.

Still open to state charges once NYAG gets cooking! I’d like to see him wriggle his way out of this jam!


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They’re doing it in plain sight, part 432

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Trump is Phimosis.

New York AG is a regular The Rock.

Arlen Specter spending his last years of power so, so upset about Taping from Unapproved Location Gate, then going hat in hand to Kraft for a donation is just chef’s kiss a perfect example of US Senators in action.

has to pass the full legislature

Also needs Gov signature. Some of them are worried about looking like clowns. Not about being clowns, but still.

What kind of morons in the comment section. I don’t care if Weisselberg had personally murdered someone. If he can guarantee put Trump and kids in the big house, then he walks.


Responses to these #Resistsnce grifter posts are always batshit crazy. How is “Muller She Wrote” even a thing in 2021? Good lord.

Even Popehat is admitting Trump isn’t getting got. Can I make money on this somehow?

I’ll admit to buying a print copy of the Mueller report when it first came out. Trashed it without hesitation the other day while doing some spring cleaning.



I very much doubt they worship satan. It’s more worship of the self. Which is suppose is kind of the Anton Levey version of satanism.

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Ya mean like Donnie Trump

I mean what am I supposed to do with this knowledge? Seems like life has become purposeless if like 10% of Americans believe this. But I guess it’s the same group of dumb people. The republicans just harvested them and told them to stand in line.

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Satan-worshipping pedophiles are, on average, better people than your typical Republican.


They are your typical Republican.

That just sounds like a long way of saying “Jews”.