The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

you already know it’s gonna be Charlie crist again, then people will be shocked when he loses.

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Yea sucks that was first thought was “that’s less money for the child support payments that he’ll never pay until some judge jails him”

40 years younger

Well, does it really matter?

Is there anyone who can beat DeSantis?

If they have any offices in FL, that’s probably enough to fine them or make them face consequences if they don’t. Maybe? I’m just guessing.

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Best case scenario Deshitis tries to fine them but can’t so he instead blocks them from being accessible in Florida. Deplorable Floridians go a month without their propaganda filled Facebook timeline and that’s enough for the state to go blue in the next election.


Can he really do that? I guess he could get major ISPs to block, but even the olds will figure out what a VPN is to get their facebook propaganda fix.


IANAL but can’t see how they could think they could get away with it. Delusional or dgaf.

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By my figuring, it would take approximately 1,260 YEARS to burn through Zuck’s current net worth. Lol Florida.

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And that’s underselling the situation because they’re fining FB the corporation, which probably makes several million a day off of selling ads in Florida. Even if this law stuck, which it won’t because as other posters have pointed out this is a corporate dystopia where anything our corporate overlords dislike is automatically DOA, it would be a rounding error to FB.

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Its actually probably a net positive to FB (and other big corps) to have a rolling series of company does X and makes a million dollars, government fines them one dollar, rinse and repeat. Because the majority of people can’t do math it creates a vague feeling of regulatory oversight which is good for FB.

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They also like being ‘fined’ huge sums that they then never pay and nobody ever collects.

I’m sure this will lead to very significant legal events and widespread accountability.

Nah, it will be Nikki Fried. She should wait till DeSantis is gone, but she won’t, and she’ll lose.

Is there a bigger Lawbro mega douche loser than Neal Katyal?

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I’d love for her to win just to see her flip birds in their faces over that whole face/sticker episode. But you’re right, she has no chance at all.

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He’s a text book navel gazer, but there are literally thousands of lawyers that are just as bad. The profession more or less indoctrinates lawyers to believe that their words on paper and norms and behaviors are the foundation of society. And they kind of are, but only if enforced with the threat of violence.

Date: Whenever
To: Whomever it may concern

It is by my order and for the good of me, myself and I that the bearer of this has done what he has done.


[Sig that looks like drawing of Klan rally]


At first I was going to have sympathy, I mean she is out a lot of anguish and a million plus dollars.

But then I came back to my senses. The Trump’s didn’t sneak up on anyone. Anyone who got in bed with them were clout chasing. I have no sympathy.