The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

R u Bindi?

I was about to throw up my hands but then I thought more about Columbo and why it is he always gets the best of villains: they underestimate him. He knows that and uses it against them. Villains think they’re smarter than Columbo but they always end up incriminating themselves.

Miller thinks he’s so smart, and that makes him a perfect Columbo villain. Any Columbo fan knows lack of evidence isn’t necessarily a problem. Like, does Miller know the weight of a fetus at 8 weeks? Does he know the halflife of the drugs in a human body?

A scriptwriter might set up a climactic scene in which Columbo convinces Miller that the medical examiner has obtained and tested tissue samples and there’s sufficient evidence for an arrest. From there, the essential nature of the villain always leads to a fatal misstep.

Well that’s interesting. If the story wasn’t totally made up, then there could be some evidence available. Did Miller brag about it? Seems like something he would do.

Lol Irwin?

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Nah he’d just say ‘oh just one more thing’ as he’s leaving. That’s usually enough to get his man.

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Columbo: Oh, just one more thing, Mr. Miller. Could you give me your opinion of these smoothies my wife has been experimenting with? I hate to bother you, but you know she’s followed your career with great interest and it would sure mean a lot to her if you’d drink the whole thing down. Now.


Literally conning people seems like a short term solution, or perhaps a stop gap while they “adjust” voting rights.

I mean the conclusion of the 2014 autopsy wasn’t like…“even though we’re in trouble with a lot of voters we can probably con the base and restrict voting rights and so that’s the long term plan.”

Watching the gop in action is like seeing people building a boat on the way to their destination.

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All I know about the story I’ve gotten from various media sources like the one I linked above. AFAIK, all of them had as their primary source the case between Miller v. Delgado, which is supposed to be under seal I think but has leaked worse than the Titanic, ergo Gizmodo’s reporting on the matter which literally quotes that case. I don’t think the victim’s identity has ever been revealed and Miller still denies that it ever happened so yeah, it’s probably just circumstantial enough to keep him from being convicted beyond a reasonable doubt…also I’d bet my entire net worth and yours too that he actually did it.

Lol. Even at good odds I wouldn’t be adding much to the take.

Apparently 53% of Republicans think Trump is still the president. Like, how? Do they think Biden is some proxy for the media and that Trump is running things quietly behind closed doors? Christ, these people are so fucking stupid.

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They don’t “think” anything. They just want the world to be a certain way. They want Trump to still be their President so they’ll cosplay that, and in the next breath they’ll say that Biden is ruining America with his executive orders. They’re totally detached from reality, it is utterly pointless to try to reconcile this stuff.


Yes :joy:


I think they mean true as in legit. Although a small section either believes A)Trump is actually in DC right now working in the White House or B)The Face/Off theory


I wasn’t fast enough to snap a pic but I saw my first “Don’t Blame Me I Voted For Trump!” bumper sticker on the commute home today. How I keep missing out on this grift time and time again I will never know :pensive:


I keep trying to convince myself to set up an online store, sell Trump knick knacks, and then donate 10% of the client’s money to the D rep in their district.


Free money. Advertise on lol Facebook - fish in a barrel.


(This is from a year ago but I must have forgotten all the dirty detail.)
Long thread about how Melania and company framed her friend with the inauguration financial crimes. Begins with this nugget. Haberman haters will find an interesting tidbit. Also Trump is going down for this, allegedly.

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Florida on Monday became the first state to regulate how companies like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter moderate speech online, by imposing fines on social media companies that permanently bar political candidates for statewide office.

Florida’s new law, signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday, is a direct response to Facebook’s and Twitter’s decisions to ban former President Donald J. Trump after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

The law makes it illegal to bar a candidate for state office for more than 14 days, and companies would be fined $250,000 per day for cases where they barred a candidate for statewide office. The fine is lower for candidates seeking other offices.

Mr. DeSantis said the law would protect Floridians “against the Silicon Valley elites.”


How can Florida fine a company based in California?

Man DeSantis is dangerous. He’s Trump, except 20 years younger.

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This stupid law is gonna get struck down immediately and at every level because corporations


Also fun fact: Deshitface currently polls > 50% against everyone so get used to more of this clown.

We will probably nominate Charlie Crist or some such trash

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