The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Pretty sure everyone gets it. Also pretty sure everyone rolled their eyes @Riverman “paging the GOP is dying people.” But I could be wrong.

I’didn’t get the reference lol.


“i didn’t watch SNL last night but i thought elon musk did an okay job”


once gotv organizers know the suppression factors/tactics, they can counteract. it’s not clear to me how stacey did it, but they realized early that mail-in ballots would be safer, and went hard at it, plus a ton of other stuff that helped the margins. but several post-mortems of 2020 voiced the view that yeah it takes effort, but it can be overcome.

from the gop pov, they have been facing the eponymous demographic wave for decades now, so the structural rigging had become more and more extreme. we’ll see obviously, legislature tossing votes is going to be on a lot of 2024 bingo cards.

plus gop still need an ever expanding propaganda targeting campaign to keep their voters engaged. i can only project, but since it was exhausting living through four years of trmp, keeping the audience outraged about biden will take more effort. outrage is the one trick trmp does well, but on the other hand, he doesn’t do anything well enough from the start. someone has to gift him a bunch of free airtime or platform followers before he can claim he’s the best ever. i’m really not afraid of trmp, or anyone in that klan. go ahead and run asshole. gop pivoting to a younger demagogue with a christian/police backstory is what keeps me awake.

Economic collapse is a feature is galaxy brain take

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Many states are just straight up banning mail in voting without a reason they get to decide, they also allow for taking over local elections and determining how many polling places etc democratic counties can have.

Remember texas having 1 drop box per county? You can look forward to a TON of that shit.

They’re allowing counties to limit voting time between 9-5, when a ton of lower income people can’t vote. And as we know the lines for places in many democratic counties are hours long.

The cheating will absolutely be much, much worse this time.

70% of Republicans " believing " the election was stolen gives them a blank check to do whatever they want, and the laws they are passing now are just the tip of the iceberg. As the election gets closer and when its too late for democrats to act for 2022, it will get worse, and if/when GOP wins the house, and they’re a big favorite to do that, they are going to get absolutely insane.

USPS shenanigans will be a shadow compared to whats coming.

Sure activists can counter some, but they aren’t going to have the resources to counter all of them.

The difference between voter suppression before 2020 and now is now Republican voters want fascism, they demand victory at any costs, and the lawmakers know they can do whatever they want and not lose any real support among the base. They don’t have to be sly about it anymore, because they can say they’re restoring faith in the elections for their base.


A lot of these bills hurt the GOP too. Restrictions on mail-in ballots and stuff like that could backfire. I’m not saying cheating won’t have a material impact on the elections - it always has and will continue to, but from what we’ve seen over the years it’s kind of difficult for some of these suppression tactics to behave exactly as intended. I’ve been surprised at how ineffective some of the tactics have been.

Trump as President was in a position where he could cheat much more effectively and in ways we probably still aren’t aware of. This is probably a boring conversation at this point, though, cause what I’m talking about boils down to the mechanics and execution of cheating in elections

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The way I see it gop is now super anti voting by mail forever now because of trump so it won’t really hurt them. The ones it might hurt me will obviously fall into the group that is the excused for absentee voting.

I think the boon in mail in voting for Dems was huge. Sure covid started it but it allowed for a ton of working class and poor Dems who can’t or wouldn’t go stand in lines for hours to vote. It made voting way easier which favors Dems. They also didn’t have to miss work and risk their jobs.

I don’t buy this idea that it hurts the gop just as much. Voting lines for them are like 10 mins in and out. And being rural af will obv be one of the allowed excuses

Honestly they’re probably running voter suppression through computers using statistics and getting optimal results. Look how successful they were in 2010 when technology wasn’t close to what it is now

I would add nobody can be Trump. They can’t just say “Now I DGAF about anything.” You actually have to be fundamentally and completely broken to make it work.


Being openly racist and owning the libs will be enough to get out his voters. They might not die for that person and wave his flags and join cult but they will vote for him.

Not sure you appreciate how many terrible people there are in the US. Trump isn’t some freak anomaly.

These people have always been there, we just never had an openly racist, authentically stupid GOP nominee before this. Now the toothpaste is completely out of the tube.

The Republican Party, with a heavy assist from Fox News and talk radio, had to keep dialing up the racism to get their base to hold their nose and vote for tax cuts and judges. This was always the logical end game.

The reason why that is not enough is because it’s the way Trump responds to criticism that makes him different. Would be extremely hard to fake.

I would argue that the Venn diagram of all the key features needed would have an extremly lonely overlap.

Like, is there any doubt that Tucker Carlson would absolutely crush a Republican primary? Or that Dan Boningo guy who’s constantly dominating Facebook rankings? All it takes is for one of these guys to have an ego trip and decide to become president. And DeSantis could easily go full Trumpy at any time.

Naomi Kline is a LIBERAL! now! Rotfl.

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I think it actually helps them if it “hurts”, say, 1 Republican voter for each 100 Dem voters. For Republicans the winning formula is:

1 Supressed R vote + 100 Supressed D votes


Non-stop BOTH SIDES from the media + reduced confidence in elections generally

This. I would say my biggest concern from a legal standpoint is how hard the states are going to push the legislature being able to override voters and seat whatever electors they want. You can make a plausible constitutional argument for it and the Court has already signaled they’re down imo.

Rob Lowe from 20 years ago is Rob Lowe of today. Pretty sure that dude doesn’t age.