The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Narrow in the sense that 44,000 the other way gives a different result


Dems lost to Donald Fucking Trump; they almost lost twice. Their brand is garbage and they’re a massive dog to even a halfway competent Trumpy candidate.


It’s this, but the actual number of votes was super close too.

Biden is president now because he won all of the close states outside of North Carolina.

2008 was a “sound beating”. 2020 was certainly not.

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Because each state’s vote is not independent, this is not surprising. Trump won all but one states with <1% margin in 2016. Obama won all in 2012. Obama won all but one in 2008. Bush all but one in 2004. Clinton won all in 1996. Stopped there.

2000 is the one exception, and Gore damn well may have won that one. Gore won all states but Florida that were <1%.

Backward looking analysis is of questionable value moving forward. These voter suppression laws are brutal, and the Trumpy governors and legislators are telling everyone who will listen that they’re simply going to refuse to acknowledge any election they lose. Oh, and Mitch has been stocking the federal bench full of absolute psychos.


“likely” seems way too strong.

The most likely scenario if FOX holds back is that AZ eventually gets called for Biden and we have the same outcome.

If FOX holds off on the AZ call, it is more likely that DT wins than if FOX did what they did. But in both scenarios, Biden still likely wins the Presidency. And I say this as someone who absolutely doesn’t underestimate the lengths to which GOP would have gone.


do we need an autobot for his releases?

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Anonymous pole

Trump Bot Yea or Nay
  • Yes
  • No
  • Bastard

0 voters

I need another vote along with my No vote to also say B*******d

Write-ins are acceptable.

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Honestly thought that one was fake.

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It’s not?


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Thought there was a 90% chance this was parody but double checked because never know with this guy… and it’s real.

What a ridiculous four years we went through with this asshole.


I was wrong…just as I suspected. Working hard, thank you!

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So is Medina Spirit going into rehab voluntarily, or does he need an intervention?

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I’ll even take a decepticon.


A Trumpy candidate who isn’t Trump would be a huge favorite over any Democrat. There are still way too many people who think Trump was an aberration and not a sign of worse things to come.

Nobody should post those tweet-like messages from Trump. They are completely vapid and devoid of content.

This was social media and mainstream media normalizing him imo. That wouldn’t happen again in 2024. Not saying he couldn’t win though.

What are the odds he just croaks before the next election? Has to be really freaking high.