The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

It is impressive that Biden and the Dems (especially in that bastion of liberalism, GA) overcame such tremendous corruption.

Being disliked misstates the case. The man was the most vitriolically and righteously hated human on earth. Of course that is a feature not a bug of his candidacy. Fuck your feelings and all. And it made him electorally damn near bullet proof. Thank God for Big Jim and Joe.

I was told voter suppression was OFF THE CHARTS in 2020 tho.

Nobody in electoral politics—ever—inspired the kind of adulation amongst his supporters that Trump did (and does).

This “competent Trump” canard that is bandied about by the so-called intelligentsia has a fatal flaw: there is only one Trump. Eric and Junior have the name and don’t come close. Lol DeSantis. Even the MyPillow Guy is just a low rent Trump—he comes the closest.

The “competent Trump” candidates are all the losers he buried in the primary that won’t generate close to his level of reliable turnout.

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Wut. Social media continues to be a deplorable ethno-fascist circle jerk. The mainstream media invites Republicans on weekly to spread the lie that the election was stolen from Donnie Dumb Dumb. These things are both trending worse than 2020, not better.

Barring some kind of unforeseen economic collapse, Biden is a heavy favorite to win in 2024. Even if the GOP codified all the voter supression shit they’re already de facto doing everywhere it won’t matter (because they’re already doing it, been doing it, been losing with it).

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It’s still better than Trump himself.

This is factually inaccurate, the new bills have lots of new nonsense.

That said, its not as one sided as people think. Some of these hoops will suppress GOP votes - absentee voting was always great for the GOP until the party went all in on pandemic denial in 2020, for example.

Still, suppression is going to be at an all time high. I’m equally as worried about Trumpy legislatures and governors just nullifying the election.


I’m going to need to see the new new stuff they weren’t already doing in poor communities of color not under color of law but just because fuck you that’s why. Making someone wait 16 hours to vote or literally taking their vote are not materially different.

As to the Trumpy legislatures failing to certify the vote, I mean, AZ and GA (even PA) were deep in the tank for Trump and all fell in line. This was during PEAK TRUMP.

If a “competent” Trump runs and loses they won’t GAF about crossing him or her because they’re just a loser not a Wronged God-King.

Not that it will deter the R’s from trying , but passing all these laws to protect the election
is gonna make it pretty hard for them to refuse to certify the election because of corruption if they lose.

It’s really not, though. At all. The AZ GOP (actual party officials) is currently searching for bamboo in ballots to prove they were illegally sent from China. These people are actually insane.


“We passed all these laws and still sleepy joe used his secret pedo ring to cheat, we must not approve this fake vote.”



Hannity, Tucker, MTG, that Boningo guy, there’s like a dozen fuckers who could pick up the Trump mantle.

I agree with all of this with one exception. I think Junior is close. With some minor adjustments and Florida Man behind him 100%, I think he can grab the torch.

The Trump Bot should only return if it’s the actual Twitter Trump Bot.



I think he’s gonna be one of those evil monsters that will live to be like 110. He has dark powers of some kind. Like Palpatine but stronger.


Corporate Oligarchy >>>>>>> Fascist nationalist white supremacist theocracy tho.

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I do think this is the most realistic outcome if he gets nominated again in 2024. At least the popular vote margins for Biden are going to be bigger anyway. As others have pointed out though, ROR is huge.

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You seem to have a lot of sway.