The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Didn’t Biden win 65+ and Hillary got crushed in that demo?


Trump - 53%
Hillary - 45%

Trump - 52%
Biden - 47%


Trends confirmed. Even with incumbency advantage. Thank you!

Trump also made percentage gains vs 2016 in:

White women
Black women
Black men
Latino women
Latino men

Huh? You thought Biden won and Hillary “got crushed”. Neither were true. This isn’t a point in your favor.



This is true, but at the same time they’ve purged a lot of people from their ranks.

They have more than made up for those numbers in new voters.

“WAAF” is not the best descriptor, imo. If you’re rich and white you will be personally fine. Sad and disgusted, perhaps, but personally unaffected. So depending on who is saying it, WAAF, may or may not be accurate.


That’s a bold claim for a party that lost the presidency, senate, and house since 2019.


Compared to what? Will a black man or woman in America be in worse shape in 2040 than they were in 2000?

Agree to disagree that Trump is a favorite in 2024.

Edit it to this then: They have more than made up for those numbers in new voters and new voter suppression tactics.

If the 2020 election were conducted over the plan that Republicans have for the 2024 election, I don’t think the Democrats win the presidency or the senate.

But that plan for the 2024 election relies on suppressing turnout/overturning votes, not adding new members.

I get being concerned and vigilant, but that doesn’t mean we should make them into supervillains either. They’re still stupid incompetent motherfuckers.

The “new voters” argument, while true, is a lot like Trump’s participation trophy argument that he couldn’t have lost while getting 70 million votes. A lot more people voted in 2020 than in 2016–Dems got more new voters than Rs did.

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The election margin was not “by a hair”. They were soundly beaten by any historical standard.

I’m watching that same idiot continue to control the Republican party


A few republicans make a difference choice, one they would likely make today, and it’s a full blown constitutional crisis with two people claiming to be president.

We dodged a bullet by the tiniest margin.

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I think the “by a hair” refers more to the handful of Republicans officials who did the right thing, not the actual number of votes. And those Republicans have since been censored or removed from the party…


That’s a completely different argument then. The original statement was that republicans are adding people overall, presumably compared to democrats. That’s not true.

I mean, saying Republicans are in trouble because they can’t win fair elections isn’t a helpful observation when they’re successfully ensuring we never have one.