The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Can’t believe I live on the same planet as people who think that the country is more to the right now than 50 years ago.

It’s way more conservative in some ways and way more liberal in others, not sure why this is so complicated.


WichitaDM is absolutely not disingenuously trolling. Making a statement like this is very unhelpful, both to the discussion at hand, and to the forum climate as a whole. Could you please refrain? Thanks!


I was being polite. He deliberately misrepresented what I wrote. Doing stuff like that is very unhelpful to the discussion at hand and the forum climate as a whole.

Yeah, I mean, we’re at the highest level of wealth inequality since the gilded age, but sure, MOVING LEFT@!!!

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“Think” is a strong word. Its more of a desire / feeling.

I think you’ll find that the # of uninsured is lower than it was in 1984 by millions of people.

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Again, progress takes time. It’s a tortoise race, not the Indy 500.

True, but … the need for health care services and the cost has grown dramatically over the same period. If conditions were the same as they were in 1984, we probably wouldn’t perceive even pre-ACA policy as a failure. Its important to measure social service delivery against social service needs.


Nothing will happen to anyone

I’d say more people having access to health insurance and fewer people going bankrupt was an improvement but what do I know.

Yep. WAAF. Might as well pack it up and go home boys.

This shit is just as bad as Qanon crap and I really don’t know why it’s acceptable here.

These people are ill


Show me the lie. Old white assholes in florida basically are the champions of the world. Certainly resource wise.

MTG winning re-election is only ~71% on PI, any reason for me to not back up the truck and load up on yes shares?

I suppose there’s a chance the GA GOP is embarrassed and redraws her district?

Lololol nope, back up the truck.

Pricing in the chance she takes Warnock’s seat (only half kidding, sadly)

Internal Combustion Engine is not what ICE means around here.

You think you’re winning that by talking about social issues when I’m talking about how the economic pie gets divided between the ownership class and workers. We are miles to the right of both of those years on that metric. And to make matters worse the bottom 60% of earners took the entire hit between those time periods.