The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

The House is one state one vote. If it is a House vote on contested certifications Rs win every time

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[quote=“Devil, post:6424, topic:3854”]
His telegraphing damaged his own chances when he attacked mail-in voting. Telegraphing then convinced people not to vote in the GA senate elections because they were rigged anyway. That cost the GOP the senate. [/quote]

sure, but this is a different issue. A football coach saying “we’re gonna run it up the middle every time” and then doing it isn’t suddely not doing it because the running back happened to fumble.

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I don’t see how we can simultaneously say that “the country is moving left” and “the reason for so many failures on so many issues is right wing policies”.


ahh, that’s what i was forgetting. good point

Exactly thats what I was trying to convey.

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Yeah, I think I misread your post the first time.

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For the “The country is moving left” crowd:

What year do you think we’re going to get:

  • Universal health care?
  • A federal minimum wage of $15/hour?
  • A reduction in wealth held by the top 1% from over 30% (where it is now) to under 25% (where it was 30 years ago)?

2 weeks?


Would you settle for rainbow flags in banks once a year?


I gotta say, this thing where we trivialize LGBT issues is not a great look.


We aren’t trivializing it imo. Or at least I don’t see it that way. LGBT rights are one of the best victories of the last 4 decades. I think the point being made is that is used by people like Basic as an example of how far left we have moved to shift the focus from the 95% of things that haven’t gotten meaningfully better or in some cases have gotten worse.


And it works! One comment about large corporations and their performative liberalism and suddenly I’ve got to defend my views on LBGT issues? Fuck that.

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Except it wasn’t?

I specifically set that issue to the side in every point I made—not to minimize its importance, which is massive, but to avoid people like WichitaDM from disingenuously trolling.

I’m saying there’s a good chance the Trump strategy doesn’t work. It may be all the GOP has left, but it wasn’t a good strategy at the outset. On the one hand, they’re relying on Trump being Trump and on the other hand on Trump not being Trump. He’s a fuckup.

A football coach saying “we’re gonna run it up the middle every time” and then doing it isn’t suddely not doing it because the running back happened to fumble.

I don’t think you’re saying running it up the middle every time is good strategy and I don’t think you’d say telegraphing strategy is good strategy so I’m confused.

Will you grant that recent evidence is GOP leaders (Mitch, Trump) are not great strategists? Here’s a list of the previous guys:

Mitt Romney
Paul Ryan
John Boehner
Dennis Hastert
Newt Gingrich
Bill Frist
Trent Lott

They’re all either in a political ditch somewhere or scraping up Trump’s leavings. Or worse.

Lol there is no such team.

Yeah exactly. It’s a fantasy of some centrists that they’ll courageously rise up and revolt against tyranny, as if they’d risk the material gains they enjoy so much when they can just turn the other way and pretend it isn’t happening…or whine a lot on the internet.


I may have to have a rethink on the Trump strategy.

No by his logic if you gain 10 pounds a month for 2 years eating McDonalds every day and then make a New Years resolution to eat a salad a week you’re trending in the right direction before you have even eaten your first salad.

I’m sorry but the argument that we’re trending left is straight up busted. We’re substantially to the right of where the country was in 1970. Substantially. The right has been driving the car since Civil Rights passed.


Makes his stance even better.

Nice endpoint.

How about since 1988?

How about since 1950?