The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

this is a bad post

trump has been terrible about delivering on policy outcomes that align with his promises other than tax cuts for billionaires, but he absolutely telegraphed exactly how he was going to react to the election and the moves he was going to make after that.

#meToo is another example of a positive development and movement to the left in recent years

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Literally anything regarding economics and taxes?

Police are still killing and terrorizing people. It took a cop killing a guy on camera in broad daylight for a cop to go to jail.

And, correct me if I’m wrong, but the defense budget was just increased again this year, right?

Climate issues are not being seriously discussed, at least not anywhere near the urgency that the moment requires.

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His telegraphing damaged his own chances when he attacked mail-in voting. Telegraphing then convinced people not to vote in the GA senate elections because they were rigged anyway. That cost the GOP the senate. Trump’s evil plan may not even get the GOP to the station. And if it does, it won’t necessarily be on time.

Do better.

Then, the Tax Reform Act of 1986, claiming that it was a two-tiered flat tax, expanded the tax base and dropped the top rate to 28 percent for tax years beginning in 1988.4 The hype here was that the broader base contained fewer deductions, but brought in the same revenue. Further, lawmakers claimed that they would never have to raise the 28 percent top rate.

The 28 percent top rate promise lasted three years before it was broken.

The 1990s-2012

During the 1990s, the top rate jumped to 39.6 percent.

However, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief and Reconciliation Act of 2001 dropped the highest income tax rate to 35 percent from 2003 to 2010. The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 maintained the 35 percent tax rate through 2012.

2013 – 2017

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 increased the highest income tax rate to 39.6 percent. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act added an additional 3.8 percent on to this making the maximum federal income tax rate 43.4 percent.

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The highest income tax rate was lowered to 37 percent for tax years beginning in 2018. The additional 3.8 percent is still applicable, making the maximum federal income tax rate 40.8 percent.

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I almost wrote these exact words.

60-1 means I still win. Your argument has the merit of Trump arguing in Court on the election scam.

Basic is right. This country is moving left. People here are way too WAAF.

Laws may change overnight but it can take generations for it to be accepted. Look at the Civil Rights Act. Our parents lived in a world where they had sepatate water fountains for whites and black people. We lived in a world where Roseanne kissing a woman on her show was a huge story. Gen Z looks at that and says “Huh?” just like we do about the water fountains.

It’s like RBG said. Democracy is a pendulum. You guys think anything not going zero to 100 is an impediment. It doesn’t work that way.

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I don’t think anyone would argue that on social issues the country hasn’t moved left. Economically I think the country has moved right though. Or at least it has become more corporate friendly. The Dems and the GOP are both eating out of the same trough wrt to most economic policy.


You get all the gay kisses you want but no healthcare.



You want an example of the country moving right?

Obamacare was a Heritage Foundation idea prototyped by Mitt Romney.

It is now viewed as socialism by nearly half the country.


Healthcare seems to be one of the few spots where we have gone farther left?

This is good, but for me the two biggest social/economic issues of our time are practically defined by the failure of right wing policies.

  1. Inaction on climate change is a right wing policy failure.

  2. Wealth inequality is a right wing policy failure.

Furthermore, if you try to come up with items 3-10 on this list you run into more policy failures designed by the right (health care, police violence, …).

@Basic is correct that social progress hasnt halted while conservative policy has dominated the global landscape, but thats not a proof that policy hadn’t become increasingly right wing.


Well, it’s always something. That’s history and prolog. If we fade Trump, there will be someone or something else.

H. G. Wells: Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.

Devil: Except the race only ends if there’s a catastrophe, Mr. Wells.

The claim was “the country keeps moving left”.

That claim was supported with a list of policies in which the country has in fact moved left over the last few decades.

Your two points reinforce the argument. Climate change action was not plausible at scale 30 years ago and now it’s a key piece of Joe Biden’s (!) agenda? Wealth inequality is being directly challenged by the same milquetoast Biden with his tax plan.


Were things better pre-ACA?

20 years ago, no one thought the billionaire class was a problem. Now you have a large size of the population that has had it with billionaires.

Again, it moves slowly and you want to go zero to 100 in 2 seconds.

I hear you and thats why I was saying you have a point. But we’re talking about four decades of neoliberal global policy followed by some reluctant acknowledgement from the current Presidency that some actions are required to curtail the disastrous results of those policies. I am hesitant to call that a leftward shift. I think you are declaring any deceleration of the rightward movement of the Overton window to be a leftward shift.

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Perhaps. It’s also key parts of the policy he is enacting. He’s the President; he can do whatever he wants and get cover from TeamBlueNoMatterWho.

Sure, but this alleged pillar of leftist policy is needed to address the gigantic problem that decades of conservative politics has caused.

By your logic, if I gain 10 pounds a month for 2 years eating McDonald’s then one day I eat a salad, that’s evidence that my eating habits are trending increasingly healthy over time.