The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Yup… When Fox announces the results early & the other networks try to play catch up, by the time the lie gets halfway around the world its game over.

They won’t need to refuse to certify. Once gop wins the house in 2022 the voting laws are going to get so much worse Dems won’t have a chance at winning. Once Dems lose the governor in pa/wi/mi it’s game over.

They won’t need to refuse to certify. The voter suppression will be so much they will win regardless

If they like impotent democrats they must be in Nirvana right now.

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Does anyone think their are elite global cabal back room discussions on the pros and cons of martyring Donald Trump?

People are tired of politics after 2016-2020. No one wants to hear that they have to get out and vote again like democracy depends on it in an off-year, esp when Sleepy Joe is in the WH and things seems sorta normal.




doesn’t the new congress certify? i thought the house gets seated on Jan 5, and electoral college gets counted on the 6th, or did i already mess up? so the 2024 house essentially gets to decide.

Record turnout in Scottish local elections yesterday :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You think the new House just gets seated peacefully if it goes back into Dem hands?

I mean, I get this, but I”m not talking about civil unrest. I mean, literally, Congress deadlocks and refuses to certify the election… And then what happens? Joe Biden (who is now the sitting incumbent president), is just like “ok, I guess I have to cede power to this guy I just trounced because reasons?”

I get the negativity but let’s settle down a little. Even if given they only have to arrive at 11:30 am once, they have to do it soon. Like before Trump offs himself by getting a chunk of steak stuck in his windpipe or some other consequence of unhealthy living. If he’s there for the next election, he can still shoot himself in the foot in some unforeseen fit of stupidity. His 11:30 on time arrival record just isn’t that good.

He’s more of a TWO WEEKS guy.


Here’s a hint. Democracy has always been under attack from the right.

Do you really think the power class is gonna give up streams of income while the world burns?

I get this too…

Joe Biden isn’t your class or mine, he’s oligarchy class and he made president therefore he’s going to help out his people & not your people.

You yourself might not believe it or see it, but it’s true.

But I don’t think that’s the plan, unless JB dies in office & then it’s game on for sure after Kamala takes the Presidency but I’d say there main aim is to beat them at the ballot box by using ALL the suppression tactics like @StimAbuser says and running the Dem vote completely out of town in some places.


GOP has suppressed the vote into

losing both houses and the WH, but at least the GOP-controlled judiciary will save

oh, okay.

You don’t have to take our word for it, its official party policy.

So is ketchup on steak. And they have been up to that shit for decades. Country keeps moving left and electing Democrats. This is the good part of their incompetence.

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The Democrats have been getting their asses kicked at the state and local levels for several elections in a row.

Also “keeps moving left” is a pretty big reach too. On some things like social issues, yes. On many others, hell no.


What have we moved right on in the last 30 years?

Local politics isn’t nothing, but I see

*spending on social programs up massively per capita
*illegal police practices getting the best disinfectant
*forever wars ending and no saber rattling for more
*massive improvements in rights protection for previously unprotected groups
*climate issues being seriously discussed and massive funding increases planned

Like, Ford just committed to not making ICE vehicles AT ALL by 2026. Seems good and different than Ford even 10 years ago when electric vehicles were a novelty.

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