The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I think its more about individual politicians, not the party. Most Republicans are in (gerrymandered) districts where they aren’t likely to lose an election to a Dem but they are very exposed to losing a primary to a QAnon nutter. When Lindsay says “we need Trump to grow” he means “I can’t have Trump endorsing my local MTG that is ready to replace me”.


I think they’re heading to something even more potent than a one party system (which only permits one party to exist), they’re going to allow opposition to exist they’re just not going to allow them to possibly win. The Republicans thrive on grievance narratives, letting impotent Democrats exist gives them something else to complain about. WE NEED TO VOTE R TO STOP THE SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS is a positive for them after they’ve made the system tilted enough that Dems can’t actually win.

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The world is just ambling along pretending this isn’t likely to happen. Hope is not a strategy.

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Why wouldn’t the GOP do this? What would be the downside risk for them?

Perpetually free rolling.

Civil War.

That takes two sides. You think people that won’t pass legislation with a majority will take up arms?


Wut? I thought we’re talking about the situation where a republican congress just flat out refuses to certify a 2024 Biden win against Trump citing unspecified “fraud.” Like, game that one out. How does it not end in violence? Let’s assume that Biden wins by as much as, or more then, he did in 2020, which seems pretty likely given the trajectory of things and incumbency advantage.

He’s getting dunked on in that thread.

Promises made, promises kept


Fatigue seems to be a key ally. Voters are eventually going to get tired and skeptical of hearing that every election is an existential threat to democracy.

So then they can deliberately make every election an existential threat, and when people get tired and give up, they win and are proven right.

They are explicitly gearing up to nullify the results of elections they lose. Say what you want about them, they’re not being sneaky about it - they’re actively purging anyone with a shred of integrity from positions of power with the explicit goal of rigging future elections! Meanwhile democrats somehow think “they wouldn’t do that.”


To be fair I think there are a lot of democrats who are aware now. I just think there are a handful of holdouts they can’t convince.

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As If… lol

You wouldn’t put you’re family in danger & I don’t blame you but that’s a NBZ fantasy.

Completely disagree with this. A lot of people that don’t really pay attention to politics are completely horrified at the insurrection and Qanon.

We still have 18 months to the next election. People are just not gonna be engaged right now in politics. Bears repeating, but we are in the top 0.0001% of those that pay attention.


Worst part of all that will be that bill Hillary Schumer pelosi Feinstein etc. will die rich and of old age and we’ll have to settle for watching the pod johns dragged from their homes to the gulag

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Who is going to stop them?

The only reason it didn’t work this time around is a handful of people with integrity in swing states happened to be in the right jobs. All of them have since been nuked from the GOP.

Paint me a picture. The GOP has the house in 2024 and refuses to certify the election. Have you looked at the “rules” for this scenario? Hint: they’re not good for the party that controls a minority of state governments and the “judges” are mostly Trump appointed psychos.

Also we’re talking about two different things. Yes, lots of people are horrified by QAnon. A lot of those same people have absolutely no fucking clue that the GOP is gearing up to willfully end democracy (with a huge assist from the lol media).


The same judges that ruled like 1-60 against Trump in various courts of law? And the one victory was to move poll watchers from 10 feet to 6.

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