The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

History is not going to be an issue, Ted, he’s going to write it.

Also LOL thinking these fucking scumbags give a flying fuck to begin with. They’re evil, they just don’t care. DO SOMETHING.

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Or as it was put some 30 years ago now, “raise your fist and march around just don’t take what you need”.


In the internet age the population becoming more tolerant regarding LGBT issues was pretty easy to predict. Did any of us in 2004 think that support for gay marriage wouldn’t go up dramatically over time?

I don’t mean to make light of advances in gay rights but it’s hard for me to see them as being connected to a political shift. I’d put marijuana policy in the same category.

Was there a single mainstream democrat who hasn’t lagged behind the country on those issues? (I recognize that’s a somewhat unrelated concern.)

It’s much easier to get closer to a societal concensus on issues that appeal to and/or benefit people across all economic classes. I don’t think there’s any meaningful political trend (particularly in terms of results) that shows anything resembling economic justice is being achieved or is on its way.


Gaetz was the guy paying teens to fly cross-country to fuck him, right?


As already pointed out, this discussion only makes sense if we separate social from economic policy.

There is no good argument to be made America hasn’t moved left on social policy over the last 100 years.

Economic policy is more complicated but I think the weight of evidence suggests America has shifted right on this metric. As you pointed out, income inequality is the most apt measure here.

Part of the massive trick the GOP has pulled is to convince everyone, including democrats, that social issues are all that matters while actually spending 98% of their time pulling economic legislative levers that favour the rich.

An argument can be made that the GOP doesn’t actually care about social issues. It’s just a smoke screen to cover their true agenda with respect to economic policy.


I find it hard to believe that a President who cheats on his third with with a porn star doesn’t sincerely believe in Christian family values.


Agree with all of this.

I acknowledged that the country has moved left (and significantly so) on social issues at the very start:

Economically, we’ve clearly moved to the right over the last few decades.

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The other trick the GOP has successfully pulled is convincing everyone economic issues, like healthcare and climate change, or actually social issues.

Yeah they love confederacy imagery. What do they care about history?

Allegedly Yes.

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So you don’t agree with Joy Reid when she said that Republicans would all gladly give up their tax cuts if it meant they could use the n word with impunity? A ridiculous statement which as you have pointed out, harms their cause not only because it is wrong but also allows opponents to have an excuse to be dismissive of them in general.

Who is the “they” in “their cause”?

Like healthcare, racial justice is an economic issue, not a social one. The right must continually reinforce the white supremacy infrastructure so that their economic policies can be enacted. They need to use the n-word to ensure income inequality isn’t addressed.

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Dat ratio

Just lol

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Any American journalist that “never expects” these things should be drummed out of the profession.



Right like isn’t that the whole point to become a journalist to uncover information that they don’t want us to know? And it’s been known for a long time that they’re spying on journalist so umm yeah

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yeah but half of those comments are apparently about obama spying on a fox news guy. even though in that case doj had followed the subpoena process in connection to a classified leak.

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I’ve been hearing WAAF since I started posting on 2p2 politics in ~2010, fwiw.

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