The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

This independent board is literally the first right thing zuckerberg has ever done.

Facebook agrees to accept all their rulings and will listen to policy suggestions. Honestly all social media companies should set up something similar.

Zuckerberg still sucks though.

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This is not the board of directors. I posted an article about it a couple days ago. It is currently made up of twenty people. The board was seeded with a few people who than chose others.

The actual make up of the board is not bad for this project, and as mentioned Facebook will honor their rulings one hundred percent.


I think that ship already sailed. Facebook is like 80% grandpa memes and they’re clearly losing a ton of money by not having Trump produce content.

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I just noticed this. Journalists who don’t know anything about corporate governance are publishing headlines using “Facebook Board” with no clarification.

They may or may not be losing money that would be meaningful to many companies by banning Trump but it’s clearly negligible to FB’s bottom line either way:




Seriously my mental health is 1 billion trillion times better without the devil bot invading my life each and every morning


Mine was too but yesterday my Google docs tried to share something with Conjelco’s Chuck Weinstock.

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Reading Trump’s post-election lashing re: Liz, Mitch, etc. feels like seeing OJ Simpson getting locked up for donating to a charity…

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Sadly, Facebook is an awesome resource for expat groups, rentals, and info on moving to new cities, so I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully abandon it. Besides those, it seems near useless. Just baby pics and memes from what I’ve been able to tell.

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Love that he’s going after Mike Pence. Really smart move for the GOP to hitch their sails to someone who gives zero fucks about the party.

I’ve long maintained they are terrible strategists,whose idiocy is overcome by absolute shamelessness and an impotent opposition.


Hey remember when the President called the GA Secretary of State and committed blatant obstruction of justice and god knows what other felonies and for a few weeks lawbros were creaming their shorts about the Fulton County DA or whoever, then that story completely disappeared and nothing ever happened? Cool stuff.


My buddy posted this on Facebook last night. Makes sense.

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I thought the strategy was racism and they do that well.


Also just Doing Racism is a broadly popular policy platform.


To be fair, their plan did work brilliantly in the short run and they came pretty damn close to winning in 2020. Making the Republican Party a Boomer death cult loyal to a narcissistic 70-something isn’t a winning long-term plan, but it did pay out in the short run.

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Seeing him rant like this gives me a semi.