The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years



It’s rare I disagree with Gleick. At least as far as UP is concerned, it’s fine imo.


Why are you asking the nation? It’s literally your job to know about government ethics violations and shit! Either admit that nothing will happen and the whole system is a sham or don’t but stop asking the reader what happens as though this is all a big Choose Your Adventure story.


Is there any other kind of reporter who gets to do this? The weatherman doesn’t get to tweet “Will it rain today? Asking for a friend!” If he did that, we would say “You’re the fucking weatherman, you tell us, that’s the whole point of us having a weatherman.”


I vote yes on the bot. I think there is value in knowing what the dude who can basically destroy this country as we know it with a 2024 win is concerning himself with.

Come on, @goofyballer, make it happen.

At the very least it can be put in its own thread (separate from this one), so only those interested can follow that one, and other who just want to discuss Trump without that can use this one.

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Yep. I hope to god he doesn’t get a platform back. But if he does we should probably have a Trump bot thread, and a no Trump bot thread. Trump is fucking running in 2024 and the massive favorite if he doesn’t have a health issue (please).

Couldn’t agree more with Gleick here. He’s like the monster on Star Trek. If you don’t think about him he goes away.


Bunch of junkies. We’ve been clean for 4 months. Let’s not pick up the crack pipe again.


fuck yeah

On Barr, as I understand it, he lied about some fancy really serious bureaucratic process that only pretend happened. DoJ (quelle surprise) was never, ever going to prosecute Trump because… well, just because. Not being a lawyer, whatever the law may say, the “just because” part sure sounds like obstruction of justice.

…I assume there is no dislike option?

Tweet that to him. If not, can I?

Has a single one of these Lawbro assholes come out to say “our profession has failed the country?”

We are on Year 5 of the Trump Administration getting away with some of the most blatant criminal activity imaginable. It is obvious to everyone else there will be zero accountability, and they’re still out here tweeting “a judge said Bill Barr misled people.”

How stupid are these people that they never even get to the obvious question: “so what?” News flash, evil assholes aren’t going to stop unless and until they fear going to jail or losing all their money. That’s it.

Take a look in the mirror and pipe down, Neil Katyal et al.


On the one hand you have the very real chance of Trump winning in 2024 and finishing the job of destroying America, so you might want to stay abreast of that.

On the other, maybe the ostriches have it right, and if we are going out in a fiery wake of destruction maybe it’s best to not watch it coming.


This assumes there has ever been actual content in any of his thousands of tweets. There hasn’t. Not one. There is nothing to follow other than the further degradation.

Good Lord, folks. The man had his legacy darkened. What more could you ask?


Justice served!


Outrage is addictive.

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Trumpbot is coming back baby!



Btw trump’s ban on Facebook remains.