The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

It’s this confirmed happening? Yikes.

Well if there ever was one, and it had actually been released early on in the game, who knows (yeah, we all know, it would have meant nothing, but still…)

The #Resistance Twitter has been jizzing itself all day over this. This is not ever stopping, I’m gonna be spending the rest of my life hearing these clowns get excited about the latest secret DOJ memo implicating Barr or whatever.

No but I just can’t see it not happening right? This is right up zuck’s alley.

I tried to google up an answer about this but all I could find was things saying that they would decide today (Wednesday).

I did run across this article:

And LOL at whoever (whether they be journalists, Trump lackeys, “coders” or whatever) thinks this is a big deal:

The site, which was first reported by Fox News, is dubbed “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump” and contains posts from Trump that can be shared and liked. A source familiar with the matter said it was built by Campaign Nucleus, the digital services company created by Trump’s former campaign manager Brad Parscale.

Bolding of completely trivial website functionality mine. I wonder how much Trump (really the suckers Trump is soaking for donations) paid for this miracle of cutting edge tech?



The headline here is that he got away with it, there is no way to hold these people accountable and they are guaranteed to do it again and get away with it again.


Sounds pretty likely they let him out. Sounds like most people, even the anti trumpers, are the free speech at any cost types

I vote for a facebook bot. Come on guys it’ll be fun


Trump was a lot more formal on Facebook than he was on Twitter. I don’t even think he used it. There was never a confefve moment or anything.

Yeah. If we can’t point and laugh at this fucker, what good is he?


Didn’t all of his tweets get reposted to fb? No way it was different “content” right?

I expect that to change if it’s his only outlet. He probably had someone else do his fb before, now it’ll all be him.

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It’ll be about as fun as it was in 2015.


doesn’t sound like lying to congress would have a statute of limitations when barr is no longer AG.

kinda makes sense that courts have no enforcement mechanisms, but doj kinda does.

maybe theres a one a million chance they get barr? jimcarrey.gif


That’s just nat for you. She comes and goes.

Don’t worry, it’s not some kind of sign. (That I know of.)


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I mean I don’t want him to get facebook back. It would be horrible for the country. But if he does we need the bot