The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Yeah we’re 100 days in and the big SCANDALS so far have been dog biting, banning hamburgers, and picking dandelions. I don’t see the Right Wing Outrage Machine calming down and sticking to the issues.


…and they love being nickled and dimed by Disney corp.

That’s kind of my point. The RW rage machine will be going full speed no matter what but “Biden wants to ban hamburgers” can’t compete with “The president is black and uppity and his wife is black and uppity and his daughters are black and go to white people schools”.

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Yeah, but now they want a nominee that reflects and represents the insanity. I agree though that Trump will be a hard act to follow. I think their next nominee is likely very pro-Trump, but then Trump will get jealous and attack that person. And who knows what happens after that. But anyway, for the foreseeable future, normal is crazy and crazy is normal in the GOP.

The important backdrop, though, is that the whole game is rigged for the GOP to win. They don’t have to win a fair election, they have to win in an environment where they openly cheat and democrats don’t even really try to stop them, to say nothing of immense structural advantages. They’re heavy favorites to take back Congress in 2022 despite being very unpopular and having literally no policy agenda.


I think MTG has a very good chance if all the “respectable” Rs try to run against each other creating a field of like 10 candidates. She’d be seen as a clown candidate but get 40% of the R votes and the other people will split the other primary votes.

It is impossible to overstate the damage the media is doing here. Their insistence on treating Republicans as good faith actors is indefensible. When the networks put people like Rick Scott and Lindsey Graham on TV to lie all the time, it not only gives them a platform to spew lies, it launders their reputations and sends a subtle signal to the audience that “those guys can’t be that bad.”

You’ve got an entire political party that has gone all in on voter suppression, naked racism and fealty to a human cheeto, yet they get to go on tv and answer hard hitting questions like “is Biden doing enough to address the border crisis?”


The media treating Republicans as good faith actors is enabled by Democrats treating Republicans as good faith actors.


Kamala’s probably going to be the nominee and she’s going to whip the right up into a raging fury.

Dems aren’t going to nominate a woman because a woman can’t win. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

So the first time I get a direct seat mate on a plane. And of course he follows Jack Posobiec(?) on Twitter. Needless to say there will be no conversation.

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Hannity and Dinesh as well.

i disagree with “heavy favorites”. on the one hand, gop voters are voting at a higher clip than average, but left wing is actually changing, and also came out for two elections in a row, so i would interpret the trend as favorable.

on some level, republicans are only managing to hang on to power by both structural advantage and cheating. true, the demographic writing on the wall had been there forever, and it hadn’t really hit yet. but past two elections created new voters. i would agree that 2022 turnout will most likely drop, but it would have to be a historically huge drop to return to 2014.

What? That’s the GOAT park.

Which is more than offset by gerrymandering (even worse after this most recent census) and the electoral college (now a full 4 point disadvantage). Democrats will have to win by 5+ points nationally just to break even in the House, Senate and Presidency.

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Kinda. Lost in the “Democrats win the presidency and the senate” news was how awful they did in state elections.

11 million of these new voters voted for Trump.

imagine what happens if gop redstate machine turns off for a cycle? they would probably get wiped out, right? they might have gotten wiped out in 2016 if not for a flood of fake news. (eta: this is poorly worded. i am talking about senate control in 2014-16, which saw Dem senators picked off by awful campaigns)

i don’t know if 5% advantage is reasonable. it reads almost like worst case. lol538 talked about 2-3% pre-election and pre-census, that seemed believable at the moment. but wilbur had one job and fucked it up, plus we don’t know anything about how migration between states is going to affect this.

true. i don’t disagree with that. i comfort myself that 11m trmp voters isn’t converted into faithful republicans, but and that those who voted for biden are more solidly left.

I had the exact same experience - expected to hate our Disney trip (went just for the sake of our 6 year old) and I had a blast.


Also will be popular among the Magic: The Gathering (MTG) crowd.