The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I really liked The Comey Rule btw, or, at least, it could have been a lot worse. And the dude who plays Trump was perfect.

How about flashback to his grandfather the whoremonger?

I think the perfect opening is the scene introduction from hill street blues when it showed parts of NY in ruins/burning and then onto the Cohn shot…

After that short intro that packs a whole lot of information, let’s go back to the 1920 showing the march of the KKK and tell his grandfathers story of how he supplied the girls and gained so much influence that his dumb ass grandkid would be king and how T carried on the families tradition of abuse of women and children from all society’s.

I worry that if you base it on the abuse of black people more prominently I fear it would become a Cult movie in GOP land.

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There will be dueling Trump era biopics.

One made by Adam McKay(The Big Short) with Jeff Bridges as Trump.

Another made by the “God is Not Dead” film crew with Kevin Sorbo as Trump.


So I’m the only one who’s stoked for the 10-hour Ken Burns documentary?


Its too painful. I’m gonna need at least a decade, and even then only if we fade fascism.

I predict the whole Trump Era will go down the memory hole the way we collectively forgot about W’s era of batshit crazy fascism.


Well they take about that long to make. So you’ll get your decade.

You mean the good old days?


If we don’t fade it, the 10 hour triumph of the will style documentary of god king trump will be mandatory viewing. You will be regularly quizzed on it to confirm whether you’re a citizen of the united states of trumps america.

Nah. It’s going to define our generation. It was completely fucking insane.


Never, the W era was still obscure as fuck. The Trump era for 4 years 24/7 was plugged into EVERYONES lives. Social media, the office, news. Shit was 24/7. It’s never going anywhere.

People will still fly Trump flags 100 years from now, they will be the new confederate flag.


Tony nailed it…4th Nov 2016

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After establishing background from the 20s-70s, the Trump film should really just focus on how he repeatedly used criminal conduct to blunt the force of his stupidity and bad management and investments, spiraling further and becoming increasingly desperate.

Should depict how the wolves were at the door when the apprentice was made, which was a surprise hit because people are stupid, and that (and the racism/stupidity) is how Trump was elected president.

Really needs to be a Tom Stoppard/Waiting for Godot type writing job. The grifter who grifs himself, but then falls assbackward into the whitehouse. Just end it after the 2016 election.

Yeah, this… That’s what my opening scene meaning is, show all the crimes including his sister the judge.

Also W had some smart evil people running things, not doofuses like Jared Failson.

I mean it really has to be a black as hell comedy. I’ve avoided the Death of Stalin, but I’d imagine something like that.

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Hell, I’d like a bio pic of almost every Trump flunkie: Miller, Bannon, Jared, the gamut.

The Mike Pence Story: Psychotically Bland.

Psychotically Bland Two: The Mike Pompeo Story

Kenny B. Is 67 he might be running out the clock on a Trump piece.