The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Andrew Jackson and Sitting Bull on the same list. Ok.


he wants a garden with over 100 statues of famous people.

he really is president timothy dexter

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Yeah, I’m sure this thread was flagged by the NSA after numerous suspicious keywords popped up.

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She already said she gave a tour to her Mom, Aunt and some family members. The only question is if she’s lying and there were others. No idea why this is so tough when the Capitol has cameras everywhere. I’m sure they know exactly who did and didn’t give tours. Unless their incompetence is more staggering than anyone thought.

If the Proud Boys guy is only raking in $113k in a week, that makes me a little more optimistic that every one of these fucks won’t be able to make a ton on gofundme sites.

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You hate to see it


There’s got to be a lot of subconscious resistance to creating the indisputable record that a member of Congress is so transparently trying to take down the government. The idea that fringe fanatics storm centers of government is firmly entrenched in most Americans’ minds as something that happens is “shithole” countries. Theres got to be a powerful instinct to bury heads in sand and hope that the terrible reality never has to be truly confronted.

Most of the people I see like this aren’t exactly successful and in stable family units

Boat too small.

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Because McCarthy stood up to him on the call.

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If she is lying and they have proof, I doubt they release it at this juncture.

I don’t think you should even make it clear that you can prove it at this point. Let those people travel around and meet each other and track them and see what they might be planning for the inauguration. It might be nice to wake up to the news of mass arrests on the morning of the 20th.

Good luck, I’m behind 7 proxies.


This is a very strange list. Oddly for a National Garden of American Heroes, being American and a hero don’t seem to be requirements.


Sooo can someone explain to me why Fairness Doctrine 2.0 isn’t day 1 hour 1 shit for Biden? Why the fuck do we continue to allow lies to be positioned as news?


I’m sure there is an explanation but I would also like one.

I mean even if they did identify it they wouldn’t make it public yet. Like you can’t just publicly say oh yeah these are the people who were on the tour, it’d create a media shitstorm and would be super unfair to those people if they weren’t in on the capitol takeover.

They would have to confirm they were in the capitol as well, even then it’d be hard to prove it was part of a set up, so I doubt they make it public without some kind of communication proof it was part of a larger plan.

This is one of the most incredible things I’ve ever seen.


I don’t see how the fairness doctrine would do anything. All of these shows on TV at least often do have someone to argue the other side and its usually a stooge who is incompetent there to get dunked on. At least they used to.

Plus the most damaging shows like Hannity and Tucker aren’t considered news so wouldn’t really be subject to it.

The problem of making sure news is factual seems almost impossible to me. If you try to exert gov control, when it falls into the wrong hands it’d be absolutely disastrous.