The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Crazy that Trump manifested troop infested DC in such a round about manner.

He dreamed about this every day, I hope he gets to enjoy it.


My first thought is “who is going to lawyer for Trump”

Then I thought “lol divorce lawyers”.


You’re surprised that dudes who sign up to be trigger pullers might be bad people? Dan Bongino was on the Obama secret service detail and Obama was fine. If that’s not evidence of how high the bar would be to get someone to shoot the POTUS I don’t know what is.

My read, fwiw, on Dan Bongino is that he’s looking out for #1 and absolutely nothing else. The right wing grift is absolutely fantastic money wise.

And let’s be real we have no evidence that Dan Bongino isn’t an extremely qualified bodyguard. He had been a SS agent for 4 years before they put him on Bushes detail. The guy has five years as a member of the POTUS SS detail, which means I’m pretty confident that no matter how bad his politics he’s at least competent for the job.

I don’t know what “protective” means.

I had absolutely no idea about this. Blows my mind.


It’s almost like, and bear with me here, Dan Bongino is a talented but profoundly shitty human being. There are LOTS of people like this in literally every field out there. They also probably very nearly never act as suicide bombers. Convince someone else to be a suicide bomber? Abso-fucking-lutely. Be a suicide bomber? Don’t you know they’re the main character?

Never ever give people who show talent like this credit for not knowing any better. They’re playing dumb. It’s the same reason I’ll never let Pete off the hook for taking shots at M4A. I’m absolutely certain he knew exactly what he was doing it when he made the choice to do it.

Dan Bongino knows exactly who his audience is and is fully aware that they are the very people he used to get paid to stop from doing something stupid. He’s one of those ‘leaders’ who thinks about his followers the way a Lion thinks about Zebras.


I think the real action is going to be in the state capitols, not in DC in the next few days. And boy things are starting to heat up out there:


Who filmed that?


It doesn’t matter. The important part is Ivanka decided to inject herself into a conversation in which she clearly doesn’t belong. The disgust on their faces says it all.


lightning rod Malcolm X was killed in early 1965, too, so he couldn’t deflect heat from the more moderate MLK any more.


…are you sure they don’t get a couple of Lizard genes spliced in?

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What is she saying?

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How long until we can get AOC elected to the senate?

She shouldn’t rush. Her current perch is pretty secure.

Forever? New Yorkers didn’t accidentally elect Schumer. The rich liberal states actually want people like Schumer and Feinstein they don’t want AOC.

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Sure but the party is getting more and more progressive as the olds die out. 30% of dem primary voted for extremely liberal candidates. And raising money obviously won’t be a problem.

Feinstein and Schumer have incumbency and name recognition which is super hard to beat. I’m willing to bet the person who takes feinsteins spot will be pretty progressive. Someone who supports M4A at least.

Shes only like 30 and has amazing political talent, I refuse to believe she’ll be stuck in the house forever.

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It’s a long game, but yeah. It’s also critically important that her current seat gets passed to another leftist when she moves up. Her main job over the next decade is to grow the left wing coalition as much as possible.

I’ve said it before on this board but I’m going to say it again because I think it’s a very good point: I think AOC should be shooting to be our Mitch McConnell not the POTUS. She should be gunning for a fifty year political career in the national legislature where for the last couple of decades what she thinks should happen is a piece of information that you can’t actually predict the results without.

Similarly I think Stacey Abrams should be GA governor for life and dedicate herself to gaining power for herself and the people around her inside the Democratic Party and eventually becoming the next Jim Clyburn (power wise).

People give the public facing power too much credit and the back room power too little. The left is at its weakest currently in the back rooms where the currency is power. We simply do not have the leverage or the organization to bend these hacks to our will yet, and that’s the thing we should be single mindedly pursuing.