The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

because there’s 2 years worth of day 1 hour 1 stuff to do


lol wut

have you been in a coma since 2015?


Yep. Tons of people who have been arrested so far at the capitol were clearly very well off.

I mean just look at the Trump boat parades or truck parades, all super nice shit. It’s mostly well off boomers.

I would agree that they almost certainly don’t have stable home lives. The vast majority of them were snitched out by people close to them lololol


Can confirm. I snitched on my cousin. Fuck that bitch.


Fair. I’m just feeling helpless and beyond WAAF.

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Think condoms.

Yeah I thought about this too and was on team we need to do something but I haven’t heard of a reasonable way to do it that wouldn’t have us completely fucked the next time Republicans get power.

I agree, we’re hopelessly beyond fucked. Our only hope is the democratic party passing super popular legislation very aggressively and playing super competent politics and holding onto power for awhile, or at least not losing all 3 branches.

So yeah WAAF

At the end of 2021 Facebook is going to automatically replay a bunch of the video of the insurrection and frame it as “Memories of 2021!”


Well its not so much young Nazi’s we need to be afraid of. This ideology of extreme right wing politics has made huge inroads with young people because of Qanon. So yeah they won’t just die off, because there is a huge base of young people who buy into insane left people are pedophile conspiracy theories.

I’ve said many times the whole demographics shifting and these people will die off is now bunk because of that.

I see no hope for this country.

I have. Did Hillary get reelected?

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The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the FCC and only applied to radio and television over-the-air broadcasters who needed a federal license to operate. Reinstituting the Fairness Doctrine might mitigate some of the effects of conservative talk radio, but would have no effect on cable news or social media.

We continue to allow lies to be positioned as news because of the First Amendment. The most relevant case is probably New York Times v Sullivan.


Guess those torn down confederate statues just found a new home


I don’t care enough to go through exhaustive thorough research, but there’s been a large number of people with criminal records and other nonsense. My favorite was the guy who wore his gps tracker on parole. Sure there’s the realtor lady who took a private jet, but there’s far more who are just some schlub.

Hey, buddy.


Well I took that picture of a nice little family unit different than you, not just ‘wealth’, but hey you do you. It’s a meme.

My Pillow Guy fucked around. He’s about to find out.


My derposphere FB feed shows that the only arrests occurring on the 20th are Biden, Kamala, and a bunch of their people. Also clinton and obama.

At least half of the derps really do believe Trump is going to still be president. He said “Transition of power, not transfer of power!!!”.


Would be awesome if they sued him into the poor house. Hope he doesn’t get out of it with a bullshit statement like a lot of these news organizations were able too.

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He better sleep with one eye open