The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Nah. It’s how the right perceives liberals. They think we watch CNN as much as they watch FOX. In reality, most liberals are watching Maddow or whatever. It’s just another example of conservatives making a general assumption and doubling down on it over and over.


This thinking pops up all over the conservative view of the world. Its why they are constantly protecting. One example is their fetish for accusing liberals of insincerity about progressive policies. Because they don’t really believe in the things they say they assume liberals don’t either!


“Oh yeah, I suppose you just want to give poor people health care, education and a living wage. OK libtard.”

They can’t even imagine one could sincerely want to do those things. Not only are they unimaginably selfish, they think everything is zero sum.


The politicians don’t believe it. The ones that do are the true whack jobs. The base are all whack jobs. Cruz and Graham are just cynical mothefuckers.

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Naw, you can tell the base doesn’t really believe things either because they have internally inconsistent “beliefs”. What they are sincere about is their commitment to feeling outrage.

and victimhood

The first and most deeply held principle is white supremacy.

Just another excuse to smash the “I’M OUTRAGED!” button. Gotta get that dopamine hit.

I have argued convincingly and eloquently that even the white supremacy is a derivative of the one true conservative belief: double standards aren’t just acceptable, they are in fact good, and societies should be built to enforce them, and the belief holder naturally belongs in the favored group (any rationale will do).


If you consider the motivation, they aren’t double standards. They aren’t inconsistent. The basic conservative drive is fear. Fear is the path to the dark side. Yoda was right.


Can’t wait…

To see who financed this and potentially also have Trump a massive, perhaps even controlling, interest.

Not sure what you mean by this. The double standards pop up all over the place, as noted White supremacy is a major one. Consider the white Christian male who just murdered 8 people on a rampage vs. how he would be treated if he were a 21 year old black man that killed 8 white people.

On an intellectual level they are inconsistent. Beneath that, at the emotional source, they aren’t.

Eta I mean words, argument and logic only have value so far as they serve to assuage and justify their fear. That’s the standard.


This sequence of posts needs more love.

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Looking good!


I can only hope to look that good when I’m 100 and have been dead for 25 years.


Lol Lawbros again. Lots of good it did being tight lipped about the Mueller investigation, right Andy? These people are the stupidest smart people on earth.

Anyone old enough to remember the '92 Weekly World News “Alien Backs Clinton” headline will not be surprised to know that demons were working on Biden’s behalf:

Trump said he liked Fauci “personally,” but cast him as a self-promoter.

“He’s a great promoter,” Trump said. “He’s really a promoter more than anything else.”


Oh look, its conservatives projecting their bad characteristics onto others. Shocker.