The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

JFC. I would think literally every player protesting it including a ton of white players would get through to some of these morons but I’m the moron for thinking literally anything could get through to them.

sark has always struck me as a strategic dumbass, this seems like a really terrible idea even for him

anyway, mfw I’m reading this story


I hope the players wait until the first game and just dog it.

I’d be careful eating food at the stadium as well?

Maybe blocking all the parking lots at half time.

The kids aren’t going to back down.

These people would have failed as slave owners. They got the racism down, they just do not understand any of the nuance needed for slavery to actually work for them.

Our country sucks. You get all the power and money by exploiting people and being a complete piece of shit, which in turn allows you to be a bigoted piece of shit bully without anyone ever telling you to fuck off. Horrible people constantly rewarded for being horrible, USA #1.

RIP Kraken.



Watch out, we got a badass over here.

They’re gonna be writing these “investigations are heating up” stories like 5 years after he dies


Naw, 5 years after he’s dead it will be illegal to publish articles unless they are about Total Exoneration of Dear Leader.

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Will DJT Jr be DJT II when he takes over the Supreme Ruler Position?

Is there any place where that isn’t true?

To find a place where it isn’t true, it would have to be somewhere that isn’t running on capitalism. So, First Nations & Indigenous groups, Zapatistas, and Rojava off the top of my head. Somewhere that has the wisdom and the will to organize themselves horizontally.

So I’m jogging a couple of miles and stop to do a few pullups on a tree branch when I hear this exact clip coming from someone’s house window.

Now to ponder whether they are

  1. a trump supporter
  2. a trumper-flexible republican
  3. one of us one of us

Thanks to @StrontiumDog for poasting this clip in the DDale thread.




I thought he was gonna say “when I hear this crack”.


Why are you laughing StimGuardian

It’s the Undertaker!

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