The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I file second amendment and pro-life under conservative judges. That’s the way you actually get traction on those issues.

It’s the need to use religion as an excuse to discriminate against LGBTQ+ folks.


Abortion #8

I knew it was always used as a “moral justification” for supporting republicans and their repugnant views

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anti-globalism, going after china, racism, owning the libs etc.

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I was a naive dumbass for sure.

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Nah they hate conservative judges because they didn’t go all in on trumpism and give him the election. I spent a lot of time with trumpers on pro trump forums.


Holy cow.


I don’t think they hate conservative judges in general, just those particular ones. Or maybe it was just a temporary over reaction.

Those fuckers are doing work now. The kind of work I’m sure those Trumpkins approve of.

Must be somebody’s daughter. Truman got pissed when his daughter’s singing was criticized.

In response to Washington Post Music Critic Paul Hume’s December 6, 1950, review of MargaretTruman’s singing performance at Constitution Hall, stating,

“Miss Truman is a unique American phenomenon with a pleasant voice of little size and fair quality - (she) cannot sing very well - is flat a good deal of the time-more last night than at any time we have heard her in past years - has not improved in the years we have heard her - (and) still cannot sing with anything approaching professional finish.”

President Truman responded with the following letter to Hume:



Dec. 6, 1950

Mr. Hume:

I’ve just read your lousy review of Margaret’s concert. I’ve come to the conclusion that you are an “eight ulcer man on four ulcer pay.”

It seems to me that you are a frustrated old man who wishes he could have been successful. When you write such poppy-cock as was in the back section of the paper you work for it shows conclusively that you’re off the beam and at least four of your ulcers are at work.

Some day I hope to meet you. When that happens you’ll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter below!

Pegler, a gutter snipe, is a gentleman alongside you. I hope you’ll accept that statement as a worse insult than a reflection on your ancestry.



A voice that could kill a bowl of goldfish.

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Some of those are pretty vague choices. Some clarifications:

National Security/Foreign Policy = Fuck Muslims
Taxes/Budgets/Spending = Fuck the poor
Election integrity = Fuck democracy
Dignity/Pro-life = Fuck the Jews
Reopening the economy = Fuck the sick
Second Amendment = Fuck kids
Immigration/Border Wall = Fuck Hispanics
Constitutional Rights = Fuck black people


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I heard a story recently that the third place guy (Aussie or kiwi I think) wanted to do the glove thing too but they only had the one pair of gloves. That is why you see they are using opposing hands.

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He wore a patch to show solidarity. A pretty decent story on him:


I think it’s worth differentiating between the trump agenda (i.e. Trump’s Agenda, which is “Trump, Trump, and Trump”) and the deplorable agenda, of which conservative activist judges are a huge part. Trump’s judicial agenda is “appoint anyone who will bend the knee to me first, and if we can use these appointments to solidify the deplorable coalition, do that too”

of course, I don’t think Trump actually realized that the judiciary might actually help him directly until later in his administration, and for the first couple of years just deferred to the federalist society. Also he clearly didn’t realize how many of these guys, while ultradeplorable, aren’t nearly as transactional as he is, and that a judge with a lifetime appointment has very little incentive to kiss his ass once on the bench.


That is quite something.
I think I have sung the national anthem better than that and I am not even American.

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It’s ok for the racists to not hide. Thanks Trump.

“Rhetoric among donors and alumni intensified as pleas to keep the song over the summer turned into frustration that Hartzell needed to take a more aggressive approach. They demanded students and players be required to participate in the university tradition. Several emails argued that Black students should switch schools or leave the state.

“It’s time for you to put the foot down and make it perfectly clear that the heritage of Texas will not be lost,” wrote another donor who graduated in 1986. Their name was also redacted by UT-Austin. "It is sad that it is offending the blacks. As I said before the blacks are free and it’s time for them to move on to another state where everything is in their favor."

At least two people argued that because the Black student population at UT-Austin is small, their voices should not outweigh the larger wishes of the alumni base.”


Probably a coin toss if he’s healthy enough to run in 4 years.

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