The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years


Imagine being a Republican in 2021 and claiming you are srs bsnss.

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By now I’m a well boiled frog, but I wonder if a golden Obama or Biden statue would ever be wheeled into a dem event.

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that esquire article is straight fire

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Imagine trying to be a satirist in a world where the “christian” coalition is literally worshipping a golden idol.


SATIRICAL NEWS SITE The Onion – known for headlines like ‘World Death Rate Holding Steady at 100 Percent’ – has been valued at half a billion dollars, more than most of the news outlets it exists to mock.

That was in 2016 shortly before Trump delivered more low-hanging fruit than anyone has a right to pick.


Instead of saying that conservatism doesn’t exist, I would argue that Greene and Cawthorne represent true American conservatism and that the fake conservatives are the ones who have tried to cast that ideology as a grand intellectual venture.


I mean, you really need an “ill” option. Sudden weight loss is usually because someone is ill.

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Not shocking after the capital insurrection. Surprised he hasn’t raised a confederate one in it’s place.

This is what as known as “throwing good money after bad.”

of course. this is all a natural evolution of the conservative rot of the 60s and 80s, and of course 1994, 2000, 2001, 2008, and 2016.

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It really is amazing how much the Overton window has shifted, and how quickly. The Tea Partiers of just 10 years ago are now like, liberal republicans or blue dog democrats.

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True, but people that ill don’t usually play golf. It’s not impossible, but seems like a weird combo: sick enough for substantial weight loss but well enough to play golf.

i don’t think the article really took into account cawthorn’s politics, as much as his wheelchair. cawthorn is basically mtg without a college degree, or an ability to instagram crossfit workouts.

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Cawthorn appears to be far more objectively pro-Hitler than MTG, though that perception could admittedly only exist because we haven’t heard MTG’s views on Hitler yet.


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She may also not be familiar with this Hitler fellow given her apparent lack of education.


It must be nice to be a conservative in America. Could you imagine how awesome it would be if this Overton shift happened in the other direction to the point where Bernie/AOC would be the conservative Dems.