The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Man I really didn’t need to wake up to Ivanka Trump and Ted Cruz tweets quoting MLK.


The suicide bombers generally don’t have much to lose. The president would be an almost impossible target for a suicide bomber as well. To take the president out would require a pretty heavy duty attempt involving highly trained attackers with real heavy weapons not just small arms and light explosives.

Exactly zero of our mass shooters of the last couple of decades would have done anything but die immediately if they went after the president. The security is very tight, very hardened, and is packing a lot of firepower.

It also has to be done fast because the secret service will have air support in a very short amount of time if you actually get into a gun battle with them that takes any time.

It’s very hard which doesn’t mean it’s impossible… but it’d be a pretty big undertaking.

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Yeah they want to do the fascism obv. As has been said before, we might be done if the GOP gets all three branches. By that time a lot of these people who didn’t want to do the fascism will have been replaced.

Y’all making some big assertions like a president can’t be assassinated without some amazing plot when Reagan was shot by some nut job and W had a live grenade lobbed at him.


What are you even talking about? Joseph Hinckley is alive and well.


Reagan getting shot is the thing that actually created the insane modern secret service protection level actually. The grenade with W got to within 61 feet of the POTUS and happened in Georgia the country… a place with some real geopolitical risks from the kinds of people who could really try to hit a US president given time to setup. W wasn’t the target of that attempt either, that would be the president of Georgia.


Sure, I just kind of assumed shit has changed a ton with the use of technology since we haven’t had a remotely close recent attempt in a long time.

But I hadn’t known about the live hand grenade thing. That’s nuts. If that’s the case maybe nobody is safe. Still super surprised there wasn’t a close attempt on Obama if it wasn’t insanely difficult now.

Hinckley is the reason the security around the president is as good/tight as it is. Crazies like him hatch plans to kill powerful people all the time… but the arms race between the crazies looking to kill famous people and the famous people’s security details has swung back the other way and hard. The security details are winning like 99.9% of the time as I type this. The absolute best security detail in the world is the POTUS’s SS detail probably.

I mean think back to the 60’s-80’s. There were a lot of political assassinations. Since then there have been quite a lot fewer. It used to be the crazy vs the famous person and maybe a bodyguard or two. Now it’s the crazy vs 8-10 people with military/police backgrounds whose careers will take a huge hit if anything happens to the person they are protecting. And that’s not the POTUS that’s just major celebrities.

Kind of alarmed by how much you’ve thought this through.


I’m kind of a crime nerd. I know a fuckton about organized crime too. I think about stuff like this the same way a deer would think about wolves with a brain my size. Just about the only things that can derail my life right now are criminals and my health. Other than that I’m as close to fully safe as you can get.

I should note that cops definitely belong under the ‘criminals’ heading when it comes to risk analysis. I’m under no illusions about the fact that among the 15,000 or so independent law enforcement agencies in the US at least 1% are straight up organized crime gangs.

I’m a small businessman in the shipping business. I get targeted by west coast organized crime groups 1-2 times a year. It doesn’t work because I’m not a moron, but it’s real professional fraudsters who have gotten me once or twice. And if I had been in my exact job 40 years ago I’d probably have no choice but to be as mobbed up as Donald Trump if I wanted to remain a going concern.


lol this is standard bored social posting on all subjects. Dude rails an adderall and goes deep on the research and posting and its why we love him.


Or like, you could just stroll up to a Congressional baseball game with a rifle and plug a few guys like what happened not long ago.


I have no information leading me to believe these “tours” are normal things reps are regularly doing.

In the real world or even fictionalized accounts I don’t recall this being a thing let alone a common thing.

I am not saying it doesn’t happen but reps taking groups of randos on jungle book cruises? Someone is going to have to provide me some compelling evidence this was not highly abnormal.

That other reps are calling it out makes me believe it is not a common duty of being a congress person.

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Also a couple of shoes.


This is my impression. That no attempts on a US President has gotten to its target in 40 years just makes me think it is extraordinarily differently.

Like the only chance might be an inside job or a mass causality event.

The last guy to shoot a president didn’t even go to jail and lives with his mom these days, so it’s not like potential shooters have been deterred by potential punishment.

Congresspeople still don’t really have much in the way of security. Which if I had to guess is probably in the process of changing. At least I hope AOC’s security detail is on the same level as Taylor Swifts.


These stories always seem to turn when the person becomes isolated at home (or isolated with small kids). I just can’t see it getting this bad if this woman stays a delivery nurse. My boss’ crazy friend - housewife. Cops on disability. Etc. It just seems to be a component very often.


Awww… I don’t ever snort the stuff and my script is for 10mg 2x a day lol. (and I’m not on it now lolol)

But yeah crime is randomly one of my areas of real depth.