The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

just swept up in the moment


boebert has to be a favorite to get expelled and at least a coinflip to face charges?

apparently a fire at a nearby homeless encampment, false alarm i think


here’s the video of Cohen (who was my rep before the last round of redistricting)

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I doubt it. Maybe if they can prove the same people on the tour were involved in the attack, which seems like a long shot, but even then she could plead ignorance. You would need some type of communication from her to show she knew they were going to try to gain entry on the 6th.

If they FBI/Capitol police can uncover that then I could see reps in the senate convicting her.

But yeah you’d need them to use video from inside the capitol on the tour and match those with people inside the capitol which will be tough. No way they release it to the public to crowd source it so it’d all have to be done in house. How many human hours would they burn on this? My guess is not a lot.

Seems more likely that we’ll hear lots of “concern” and, if absolutely necessary, someone will write a letter.


I can’t be the only person who forgets that’s Mike’s daughter.

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giphy (3)

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her friend in russia was probably kgb the whole time

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I don’t know the fact that Obama wasn’t killed makes me think it’s pretty damn hard to kill a president these days. You know the white supremacists wanted him dead BADLY.


The thing about killing the president is that having the skills and or resources to kill a president requires someone with a decent amount to lose… and it’s a suicide mission. Even if you succeed and kill the president and escape from the scene there is absolutely no chance you don’t get hunted down afterwards.

The only way the individual who did the work isn’t totally fucked is if they are working directly for a nation state, but that just transfers the punishment from the US government aggressively hunting down the assassin and their accomplices to the US declaring war on a nation state. This is true of every nation state that doesn’t have a nuclear arsenal to deter us from invading at a minimum.


True. Plus if you do get Biden you just give them Kamala AND get labeled Antifa. Sounds like a shit deal lol.

Though I guess technically the inauguration is one of the few times you can get both plus Nancy. But to do that you’d probably need a team of national guards willing to die for the cause and I just don’t see it.

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Zealots have few issues with suicide missions. The 9/11 hijackers obviously were on a suicide mission. Even your garden-variety killers routinely kill themselves after committing their crimes. So I’m not convinced this is a meaningful deterrant.

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Lol, we went from “Stupid Watergate” to “Stupid The Americans.”




The Presidency of What’s His Name: The Coffeeboy Legacy

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