The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Lacking in a good grip on reality + isolation + access to the internet does seem to be a sizable portion of the formula.

This woman I do not understand at all. She should have known better.

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The last guy who successfully shot a president lives on a golf course.

Wait WHAT?

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Your pony lives on a golf course. He didn’t go to prison because it was the early 80’s he was white, and he was profoundly mentally ill. Here’s his wikipedia for anyone who wants to judge for themselves John Hinckley Jr. - Wikipedia.

This guy is exactly who has zero shot vs the Secret Service in 2020 by the way. In 2020 he’d be dead on the scene.


Lol nobody wants me on an even more extreme version of my capitalism pills. Predictably capitalism pills reduce my empathy level turning me into much more of a raging asshole than I am naturally. Which is definitely saying something.

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the most important point is that the capitol buildings have been closed to the public since the start of the pandemic. in normal times, you could always visit your own rep’s office, even if you just want a cup of coffee or a free souvenir. if they were free, your rep would happily take a picture with you or do a quick show and tell. with advance notice, they would always make time for school tours or a local business chamber. maybe not a militia, though

When Nelson Mandela died, there was a fake sign language guy that signed for hours at his funeral next to world leaders. Had he really wanted to, he probably could have killed any of them. You just need to think of something that the secret service hasn’t thought of yet.

A representative personally leading a tour might be offered only to close friends and family or big donors or supporters, I would guess, but private tours aren’t some crazy thing, at least not pre-COVID.

U.S. residents may also contact the offices of their representative or senators. Many congressional offices offer their own staff-led tours to constituent groups of up to 15 people, and most can assist you in reserving a tour of the Capitol.

Or have it be some flavor of an inside job. There are ways to get to a president and eventually one of them might work… but how badly people want to kill the president probably has less of an impact than random opportunities landing on the wrong people accidentally.

There’s a lot of variance out there in the world I pointed out on the second to last day of the Trump presidency without irony.

It’s a lot more likely that some random scammer whose main goal is to be not found out while they collect that sweet sweet government money is going to get uncomfortably close to someone they shouldn’t than a random crazy person. The scammer is good at convincing people of things and isn’t trying to commit suicide. They’re going to be a lot better at fooling people than an assassin would be (unless the assassin is a very serious person, which again makes suicide runs much less likely. Serious people who are willing to die are usually employed by nation states).

I mean I assume he was screened for weapons very thoroughly as is everyone who is close to the president. Although maybe there are weapons you could get passed them that they wouldn’t catch?

Lol This site.

During the traffic stop, authorities found high-capacity firearm magazines in his backpack, resulting in felony weapons charges, according to court records. And as he sat in a jail cell for 24 hours, Tarrio said, he thought about how he would need a lot of money to get out of this mess. Good lawyers, he said, don’t come cheap. He said family members had the idea to monetize the support of his online followers through, a niche Christian fundraising website that bills itself as “a place to fund hope.” Within a week, the “Enrique Tarrio Defense Fund” had amassed more than $113,000 from 2,359 donors, according to the site. Tarrio has pleaded not guilty.

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you are making me depressed thinking about everyone in my family who exists in these exact circumstances.

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I was think martial arts and attacking physically. How long does it take to break someone’s neck if you know what you are doing? Or a strike to the heart?

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I feel that pretty hard myself. I’ve got a brother who I don’t speak to anymore who is a full bore conspiracy theory nut case.

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John Malkovich did it with a plastic gun he pieced together on-site.


It’s a very common thing, it’s actually exactly what I did when I interned for a Senator 20 years ago. That and sort the mail.

Constituents plan a trip to DC and then arrange with their Senator or Representative to be shown around the Capitol to all the different halls and shit.

The only thing unusual about doing tours Jan. 3-6 is that they were supposed to have been stopped because of COVID.

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I thought it was wooden.

bartlett got shot by white supremacists out of a nearby window. seems secret service doesn’t sweep every building.