The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Trump has warped my brain so much that I just opened a “Mega-pack” of cold cuts and at first I thought it said “MAGA-pack.”


Trump is the GOP now

Only Trump and his ardent supporters/defenders will be able to win primaries going forward.

If you go against him at all, you will be booted out by the party and the voters. Even if you had no choice in what you did like Pence. Doesn’t matter.

Whoever he endorses while alive will be the winner of Republican votes.

When he dies, his disciples will be in charge going forward.


I think “smarter/refined version of Trump” doesn’t work. While perhaps not universally the case, Trump supporters are aware Trump is an absolute idiot and love it.

When fascism comes to America it will have a ketchup-stained shirt and an unzipped fly.


This cycle of doom only stops when Republicans either a) stop nominating absolute psychos or b) lose enough elections that they don’t have power.

The important thing for Democrats to do is fully internalize that no amount of shaming or appealing to common decency will have any impact whatsoever. The only thing they can do is govern effectively and mobilize their voters.


Trump endorsed people that lost in primaries in both '18 and '20. Not saying his endorsements don’t matter but I’d say going forward they will start to matter less, not more.

For all the talk of the Trump kids running for various Senate races, I’d bet against any of them winning (other than maybe Ivanka).

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Yes his endorsement doesn’t win every primary everywhere, but nationally and in many states, if you go against trump you are done.

This means the party will only become more of a Trump party, not less. The way they acted with the election results, the insurrection, the impeachment, and the various censuring of non-trumpets shows they are not moving on past him. Their base considers anybody acting against Trump to be a RINO and someone to kick out of the party.

But lets freak out about cancel culture run amok!

/idiot Musk-worshipping techies

Not sure if it means anything but my Mom and Stepdad seem to have converted to Democrats (moderate Rs, live in upper-middle class suburb - Johnson Co, KS - which flipped blue in 2020).

They’ve even started watching MSNBC and only switched over to FoxNews to “see what BS they were spinning the Impeachment trial with”. The truth does actually win out some of the time with some of the people.

My rich cousin in Jackson, Hole - exact same thing. Except he doesn’t care about abortion - which makes it even more likely to stick imo.

If Republicans keep going to down the party of Trump path, they’re going to lose some suburban moderates for sure. They already have. Whether that will stick remains to be seen.

Now if they nominate Romney all the suburban moderates come running back into the fold I’m sure. But they lose the Trumpkins.

Also will the psycho evangelicals like my two aunts stay loyal to a Romney run? Yeah probably. They just do whatever their pastor tells them. Fucking evangelicals. They believe in nothing. Most pliable people and reliable R voters in the country.


That’s more of a Corey Booker thing, allegedly.

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Are there any gay Republicans? Even if he comes out and claims he’s never acted on his gay impulses, I think he loses in a primary.

If you are talking about openly gay Republicans who actually win elections, there are a handful in state legislatures.

I was thinking more federal election. I could see a gay Republican winning some local elections in a purple area, where they know a good % of the electorate, but think winning House and especially Senate would be much harder.

Now that Trump is out of office does anyone have to really be against him? They’ll just ride the middle of never explicitly disavowing whatever non sense he says while also never explicitly endorsing it.

I think Trump’s going to be significantly diminished. There was a Daily Beast article that made the comparison to Palin. For a while she was Queen of the media and the Republican Party but after she left office and failed the VP bid she’s just a hanger on now while Trump’s the Republican darling. Same thing will happen to Trump. But whoever comes next is going to be the same vein of Trump just like he was a continuation of Palin.

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Andrew Sullivan

gay Roman Catholic conservative


Trump was actually POTUS, though, and his following has reached levels that Palin’s never even remotely approached.


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In before republicans sanction the abuse victims.


We saw a local iron workers truck with the following on the passenger window

It was creepy.

The funny thing is that every Trump policy is economically probably at odds with the union. Well except the racism part.

This particular union had a big group arrrested a few year ago. They called themselves


They were charged of burning down non union sites and other various crimes.

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Trump and fair don’t mix.

nyt posted the letter kinzinger got

yeah lady, you’re angry at him because a bunch of people on TV and radio told you and you’re going to try to remove him from office and you think he’s the one embarrassing the family

he’s a democrat because he voted with democrats once in his entire life, sure lady