The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

The play should be, just give us our voting rights act and we won’t eliminate the filibuster. Deny us that we eliminate the filibuster, pass it anyways, pass M4A, allow DC and Puerto Rico as states etc.

But yeah wishful thinking. But Dems should (have to) be all in on a voting rights act.

world and systems are irrelevant, people just allow and approve of it that’s it.

No republican is ever voting for more voting no matter what you threaten. They know they need to gerrymander, fuck up voting in minority areas to retain power. Republicans will do literally anything in their power to stop those two bills.

Republicans know this is the ball game. We probably would try to negotiate for awhile and nuke the filibuster when they don’t budge.

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Yes we agree, I’m just saying the democrats messaging should be, please don’t force us to nuke the filibuster to pass voting rights. Repubs got away with that sort of similar messaging when it came to Gorsuch.


Any new voting expansion (banning voter id laws, mandatory registration, whatever pipe dream we think up) will be struck down 5-4 or 6-3 in the supreme court. But uh we might get one election out of it!

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Yeah like mine is a steamy take but it’s along these lines. Rs have an insurmountable advantage in the courts on voting rights for basically ~forever. I’d expect (but could be dead wrong) that a comprehensive voting rights act 2.0 even if it passes by whatever miracle will get kneecapped by Les Suprêmes tout de suite. Now, if the Ds could focus on redistributing donations of hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars from moribund Senate campaigns and redirect them to ground game gotv operations to overcome R ratfucking in close states, I could get behind that. And hire somebody who knows how to poll Maine every 6 years.

Them striking it down would give us the perfect reason to pack the court if we get 53+ seats after 2022

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Senate trial at 10 am, beer league hockey at 3 pm.

In moments before I remembering we’re talking about Democrats, I’ve thought they may intentionally be delaying the Voting Rights Act to a) limit the Supreme Court’s time to undo it before 2022 and b) capitalize on obvious GOP obstructionism to convince the final holdouts.

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I mean obviously covid relief is needed more immediately, and then its going to take some time to do the dog and pony show for Manchin, but you need enough time after passing this for states to have to implement it.

Anyone have any idea on how much time they’d need to do it? Honestly I don’t have a lot of hope it gets done, implemented, and stays in place for 2022. We somehow need to win +3 senate seats despite that. Don’t know if that’s possible.

In another reminder of his ad hoc approach, Mr. Trump asked associates on Thursday night whether it was too late to add or remove lawyers from the team, as Mr. Schoen briefly told the team he was quitting over a debate about how to use the video clips the defense showed on Friday. Mr. Trump called Mr. Schoen and he agreed to rejoin the team, two people briefed on the events said.

Just a few hours before Mr. Trump’s team was to appear in the well of the Senate, the group was still hashing out the order of appearance of his two chief lawyers, Mr. Schoen and Bruce L. Castor Jr. In the end, they decided that a third lawyer, Mr. van der Veen, would deliver the opening act.

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The more I think about it, witnesses seem like a bad idea. They won’t testify, it will go to court forever, it is just pointless.

Our legal system is a total joke.

What about Capitol police? I liked that idea. This is all theater and thats good theater. None of the guilty people would be worthless and just I don’t recall even if you somehow could get them to show up.

I mean, bring it on? But really I don’t think turning it into a circus does any good.

Actual senators are saying “depose McCarthy.” What the hell do they think he’s going to do, testify willingly and truthfully?” Get a clue fellas.

Dems have absolutely nothing to gain by prolonging this shitshow. Call it a wrap, take the L, and move on.


Soooooooo this. Focus on pandemic relief. Don’t talk about anything else ever except pandemic relief until it’s done then don’t talk about anything but vaccinations until they are done.

Then worry about everything else government does.

Agree. They’ve proven their case. Nobody cares. We know the truth. These Republicans are irredeemable. The latest is that McConnell has decided to acquit. Not surprising.

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Mitch is officially a “no.”

Every single media member who wrote those fawning pieces should be fired and blacklisted.