The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

taking the L is absolute worst option. they need to walk out of the 55-45 vote having declared victory, dragging every acquit vote through the social media as traitors to their oath, as people who would be disqualified to be a juror for a parking ticket, much less a criminal case.

think of what the gop propaganda would be, and make the opposite content. keep rolling it all the way to ‘22 elections.


The degree to which Republicans don’t want witnesses makes me now lean towards having them.


Looks like clownsel woke up a bit too early this morning

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Why does this guy keep complaining about 8 days. He knows that’s because dumbfuck Trump lost his whole defense team last week, right?


This shit is all such a waste of time and makes the Dems look awful. What a pointless, counterproductive exercise.

The fact that I feel this way and I’m 99% more likely to care about this than your average person says a lot IMO.

Is rule 23 the one about “If it exists, there is porn of it”?

I swear if one of those laughs was from a democrat… fuckkkkkk

They had a fucking PI attorney arguing an impeachment in the well of the senate? Just holy fucking shit lol.


This is fucking insanity.

Fuck it. Let’s get rid of these stupid rules and go full british parliaments. I want fistfights across the aisle and yelling of insults.


While I agree this won’t result in a conviction, I’m not sure what alternative Dems had other than to impeach. Would it make dems look better to not impeach?


Why in the world would people vote their conscience and not vote based on the facts of the case?


I think that’s my best post off the year so far… :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Trump has to love his ambulance chaser lawyer. Dude checks all the boxes. Yells a lot, waves his arms around, lies, very theatrical, knows nothing about the facts.



Some agree

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Grandstanding Lindsey just changed his vote to yes for witnesses?

I basically agree, except for the “take the L, and move on”. They have presented their case to the Senate, we knew what would happen there. What percentage of people actually watched and digested this? A small one imo. The media, fuckheads that they are, did their thing. I would like for the Democrats to buy 30 minutes on all the major networks, implement an aggressive social media campaign, and present their case directly to the American people. There are no surprises about this vote, but every effort must be made to hang this travesty around the necks of the GOP and the “reasonable” people who still vote for these fucks.


Of course Linsaaaaaay has to yell “LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!” during this. What a shameless fuck

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Yeah, he probably wants to hear from Hillary or something.

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Which dickhead called for the point of order AFTER the vote? Was that non Murkowski from Alaska?

Like, if you need to know whether the vote is for one or multiple witnesses, maybe you should make your point of order… oh, I dunno, BEFORE you vote no?