The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Ahhhh, now we are gonna spend ten minutes showing a video of democrats using the word “find” over and over?

I don’t discount the threat Trump presents in actually getting elected again in 2024, but I really want him banned from running for a couple other reasons too. One, it would impact his ability to fundraise grift under the banner of his coming 2024 bid, and two because it would limit his ability to whine about (and possibly incite violence around) any upcoming criminal charges/prosecution as a Biden/deep state political ploy to ruin his election run.


odds are the pilot is employed by a Lincoln Project shell corporation. that’s some good use of Dem donations.

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As someone else mentioned he could grift WAY more doing like a giant mega church or a bunch of other things. He doesn’t really need to run to grift anymore.

The second one is a good point, assuming anyone actually plans on criminally prosecuting him which I highly doubt.

Seeing the Manhattan feds basically shrug and say “oh well, fuck it” in the case where he’s “individual 1” should’ve more prepared me for disappointment in lack of prosecutions, but there I was feeling an optimism spark hearing that Georgia prosecutors were looking into his Georgia meddling. I’m dim or something.

My million dollors Ted talk and it might just save America :grin:

  • it would put all those other prosperity places out of business to.
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It’s ok to hope for a world that has justice, that’s usually me. In this case though I didn’t. Powerful dems are probably putting pressure on people NOT to go after Trump, at least before 2022, because nothing else would turn out his base that bigly.

I’m not sure thats the wrong play either. My take is either we win big in 2022 and pass a new voting rights act or democrats get locked out of power for a decade plus.

I hope road runner doesn’t knock an anvil on top of Ted Cruz.


Ahahaha that fucking question from Linsey.

What a stupid motherfucker

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don’t know what the bigger lol here is, betting markets pushing this to 50cents because of his prior vote or me not snap maxing him to vote to acquit

Trump isn’t really getting his desired “defense” which would be a continued assault on voter fraud. He basically wanted to spend his trial for conttibtikg to an insurrection by continuing to push an insurrection.

Thousands of people in prison just started dancing!

Mittens demands he remain the only meme worthy of that name


Collins asks a surprisingly valid question

Lol so she upstaged mittens


Annnnnnd the inept fucking team doesnt even understand what she is asking. What a bunch of fucking dopes. Holy shit


“And that is why he must be convicted and acquitted.

[Senate erupts in lols]

“This is a question for the Trump defense team. Shouldnt the democratic senators stop beating their wives?”

“Thank you for that question. Yes. I yield my time.”