The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Some bank robbers better try out this defense. They were stopped before they got away with any money, so technically, was the bank even robbed?


tenor (18)


The goon lawyer is threatening the senators now “Primary s”


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This is the first chance I’ve had all week to watch this live and I turn it on and Trump’s lawyers are running a campaign ad video? Complete with swelling dramatic music and everything. I wish I could see footage of Trump berating these lawyers in strategy meetings, insisting they roll propaganda and fawn. Leaning on them, chiseling away their professional instincts, wearing them down to stumps that only chirp praise. Trump turns every fucking thing into a laughably forced ego stroke. This is dunce pageantry, ceremonial stupidity. Live look at monster Trump seeing his dopey lawyer roll mash-up clips of his strong and powerful strength power:


Dude just made the best argument against his own case.


I have 55 or 56 votes to convict and Lisa’s making me nervous.

Is it just me or do m they keep cutting down their own argument?

why the fuck would you bring up rufflesberger lmao

this wasn’t the part of the trial but here’s that other illegal convictable thing he did

“Now why is this important?”

That’s a very good question.

I was told this guy would do better than he did on day one.

I find that statement mostly false.

Trump is jonesing for a platform, this dope lawyer is the best thing right now. Hopefully he goes after E. Jean Carroll next.

Nobody is saying that Trump only incited people on January 6. In fact, the managers took HOURS explaining how his incitement had been going on for months. So of course it was premeditated.

This might be the dumbest legal argument I’ve ever seen. It’s as though they didnt even watch the manager’s presentations

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I honestly didnt think it could get worse than the opening arguments, and yet here we are


The phone call was private, so any crimes that may have happened on the call cant be illegal… wat?

The dramatic music is so annoying. Do they do that in courtrooms?

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Right. You blame Trump because politics is like sport and you just want to root for your team, and I know better and that both sides are to blame for the rise of political violence. Do your own research and stop believing what the media tells you. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

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I’m pretty sure they lifted that video straight from Fox. I think Hannity played it on night 1 claiming a chessmate because something that was pre planned couldnt be incited… I guess?