The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

They have to do it. They don’t have to do it for weeks. The disagreement is over whether to draw it out by calling witnesses, as some people apparently think it would embarrass Republicans or make them look bad, or something.

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What can I say Dino, she’s into cults.

Yea why drag this out for months when at the end of the day, the GOP ain’t gonna do shit?

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I mean crossfit is weird as fuck, but I don’t think this is a crossfit specific thing. It’s pretty common for women who aren’t happy in a relationship to hit the gym, get in shape/lose weight/gain confidence, and then leave their husbands.


It was never about them doing shit. It’s a basic political calculus for dems.

Whats better for them politically? 1-2 more weeks of calling witnesses to hurt Republicans with moderates and independents, or start working on the reconciliation bill 1-2 weeks earlier.

I agree that after this week there will be huge diminishing returns on dragging this out, they’ve made an incredibly good case, the videos were devastating, anybody who could be convinced is convinced, and moving to helping people is the best thing politically and morally.

That said the idea of calling capital police officers sounds like a pretty good idea. One day of witnesses on say Monday would probably be good and make sure it’s wrapped up in Tuesday.

From my understanding the vast majority of the work on passing this huge bill is the horse trading and writing of the actual bill which is all done behind the scenes anyways and mostly uses aides.

Anyone who has paid attention to past reconciliation bills is this accurate? Or do they need to legit hold a month+ of debate etc on the house/senate floor? Because that would be crazy. IIRC Republicans only had 1-2 days of actual stuff on the floor before they passed their tax cuts or got owned on their healthcare bill.

Would you rather it be up to Congress? Do you want a simple majority, 60 vote filibuster-proof threshold or 2/3 majority?

I read something that I can’t find now to the effect that it used to be more of a joint decision with the military leaders. But some case came up where a majority of the leaders wanted to use them - maybe Korea or the Cuban missile crisis, while the President didn’t. So it was decided that it would be safer for it to be up to one person who would be solely accountable to history for the fateful decision. That was the gist anyway.

I would rather we denuke. People used to care about that and it was happening. There were treaties and stockpiles went down from like 50k warheads to like 15k, but for the most part people haven’t cared about it since…like 9/11 and just assume the world will always be a hair trigger away from obliteration. (it’s not going to be, one way or the other)

eta: And it’s not like reducing counts doesn’t matter. A hundred nukes spread around subs and planes is enough of a deterrent - probably 50 is - and wouldn’t necessarily kill every person on the planet. And fewer weapons means lower chances for accidents.

I mean I think tensions are down so far now that the biggest threat is BY FAR a lone madman using them. America doesn’t have any military competitors and won’t for a VERY long time, probably until the US collapses.

But yeah giving the decision to the military was always dumb. listening to Dan Carlins Destroyer of worlds, the majority of the military wanted to completely obliterate Cuba once it was found out Russia was storing nukes there. Not with nukes IIRC but conventional bombs, and it’s very plausible that could have escalated into nuclear war. So JFK saved our asses there.

The decision should be given to a board of civilian experts. Appointed by congress, not the fucking president lol.

Lol at these grand gestures to the screen.

Also, whoever called the defense being “Whatabout democrats sits down” was right on point.

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Wow. Blaming “Antifa” for the insurrection. Of course.

Abolish the Presidency


This is so fucking disgusting.

There as a crossfit gym I used to go to a while ago where one of the coaches basically used it as his own personal Tinder. The dude was in phenomenal shape, so I’m sure he would do fine under any circumstances, but it was basically fish in a barrel for him.


Honestly after listening to Carlins common sense, it’s pretty obvious the whole " what about BLM/Antifa " shit is totally going to work on a ton of non partisan people. They legit can’t see the difference. To them the truth is always in the middle.

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Rampant VD?

Did you guys know that VAST SWATHS of America were destroyed last year?

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Also, bejesus is apparently a legal term now