The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

They are in denial. For Trump’s base the content of the case is practically a campaign ad for reelection. They just don’t get it. 50+ million people wanted Congress members executed.

I believe the voters have learned a pretty big lesson from this case. They’ll be much more cautious in the future.


I personally know two guys whose wives left them after getting deeply involved in crossfit. YMMV.


Defence today will basically be…

Put up slide that reads “but what about democrats”

Sit down with grin on face



I’m not on board with this growing “they’re screwing up not calling witnesses” nonsense, which just plays into the complete fiction that there is anything anyone could say to either change the outcome or change one single person’s mind.

They have established with overwhelming evidence that he is guilty. Republicans have decided to let him off. The end, let’s go get actual shit done so these assholes are never in charge again.


They’re idiots if they actually show up and answer questions.

hey now he had to quit SAG


Reminds me how there are two people who could intentionally blow everything up within an hour or two being really bad. Recently one of them was a complete idiot. Also there have been plenty of near miss accidents that could have triggered it. And people hardly think about or care about this and seem to have mostly given up trying to do anything about it.

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I’ll go with Ygelsias’ argument

Acquittal is guaranteed. Given that then the point of the impeachment is to embarrass Republicans and depress support, not to try and convict. Going longer with more embarrassing info works. Unlike Bengazi where Republicans tried the same thing, but ran out of material really quickly so they just had to keep making up stuff, there’s a lot of potential material.

Democrats can parallel process. They’re doing impeachment and passing bills so there’s not really much of a trade off.

Impeachment distracts Republicans. Republicans have to oppose Democrats on big shiny things to appeal to their base. Impeachment gives them a shiny thing to complain about while Biden’s appointees pass. If you take a way impeachment Republicans will start becoming more intransigent on appointees, etc to show that their opposition.


Embarrass republicans. Lol good one.


Good thing we don’t spend much on our military or we might get upset that they could not keep track of the nuclear codes.

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Republicans love what Trump did. Drawing this out just reinforces their support of him.

Calling a few Capitol Police officers would make for good theatre. I’m sure you can find some that would make a great witness - talking about how members of the mob told them Trump sent them, how they feared for their life the whole time and wished Trump would have made a statement to calm down the mob.


Nothing is going to stop them from loving Trump, so D’s should just ignore what they think. The goal is to show the D base how bad it was and that they need to stay hyper-vigilant in every future election.

Also, there might be a handful of moderates that could be swayed.

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I see both sides of this argument but at the end of the day it just doesn’t fucking matter. November, 2022 is an eternity from now. Use the time to legislate.

Until Manchin decides he’s ready to play hard ball, legislating is just a dream.

Biden has a 98% approval rating among Dems. Most people registered with a party are very very partisan.

If he opened Trump Church in a mega building next to maralago he could fill it every night with travellers from all across the land and he’d only need to come by and stay an hour at most, spout some BS and rake in all those sweet sweet religion dollors.

It would be far more profitable than running again and may eventually happen.


Weren’t you all in on impeachment 6 weeks ago?