The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years


If Trump gets convicted and goes to prison in Georgia, I’ll go visit him and promise to bring him McDonald’s if he presses his nipple up against the glass. He’ll do it and then I’ll visit again, this time with McDonald’s, but I’ll eat it in front of him while someone fetches me a Diet Coke.



What are the current Unstuck odds on Trump suffering literally any consequences?

About 101011110 (welcome back)

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Maybe if you can get Trump to put some actual skin in the game. Like Don Jr. leading the assault in person.

jan 6 trump was like if braveheart went home to sit in front of the fire while they fought the battle. if he actually marched up there with them like he promised they probably could have caught pence and gotten something in writing like “trump is potus no matter what” in exchange for the hostages.

he’s too fat to be a real dictator, is the key. no way he could walk like a mile and a half and then up those steps. forget about it.

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a 1.5 mile walk followed by walking up the capitol steps would leave trump

  • breathing heavily and sweating too much making him look like a loser fatty
  • taking more than one break before mile 1 and/or giving up and getting in a car
  • ripping his shirt off to reveal the shirt underneath is a superman shirt

0 voters

and remember, he’s got a crowd of his biggest fans cheering him on walking right behind him lol

So looks like Maggie knew Trump was on death’s doorstep and kept it quiet:

Load him on a golf cart. MAGA would have rallied to his standard like the Rohirrim to Theoden before the battle at the Pelenor Fields.

Or send junior. Practically a freeroll for daddy even if the son bites it.

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Oh damn phone cut out the car part. It’s obviously that one.




Appears that way from inside the USA too.

This article is utter horseshit and wrong medically fwiw.

The disease is considered severe when the blood oxygen level falls to the low 90s.

Severe if it falls into the low 90s? I literally don’t admit people until it gets to 89% when you’re walking or if you’re 92% or less.

Mr. Trump’s blood oxygen level alone was cause for extreme concern, dipping into the 80s, according to the people familiar with his evaluation.

That’s nowhere close to a vent. Those people normalize with some oxygen in their nose the vast majority of the time.

The people familiar with Mr. Trump’s health said he was found to have lung infiltrates, which occur when the lungs are inflamed and contain substances such as fluid or bacteria. Their presence, especially when a patient is exhibiting other symptoms, can be a sign of an acute case of the disease. They can be easily spotted on an X-ray or scan, when parts of the lungs appear opaque, or white.

This sounds scary, but it’s just what covid does.

Trump was nowhere close to going on a vent. The escalation here is nasal cannula (which it seems like he got), a non-rebreather if they’re bad doctors, hi flow nasal cannula, cpap/bipap (think Darth Vader mask type shit), then tubes. Fuck this noise.


This is what we’re here for.


You guys are way too worried about Trump. He’s a drooling imbecile. In 4 years he’ll be playing pattycake with John Wayne while listening to Judy Garland singing “Over the Rainbow.”

You should be far more worried about Josh Hawley gaining national recognition.


100% what I said in 2016 to the letter.