The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

So what is your end goal? You said “loses a culture war”. What does that look like?

Feel free to post this:

But don’t mince words because you got a post hidden.

Speaking for @NotBruceZ, being toxic is probably the most effective way to advance a goal if you’re limiting yourself to the internet and you don’t care about the collateral damage. I’m wondering if that also applies to real world politics.

There are two Iron Laws of Internet Politics: 1 no one who feels an opinion strongly enough to express it is ever changing their mind. 2 for everyone else, their opinions will be formed by whoever gets through to them most aggressively, regardless of the quality of those arguments. So to advance causes, you have to forget about group 1 and make sure group 2 never hears from your opponents, or is at least overwhelmed by your allies.

The tools are to silence your enemies or amplify your own views. The main ways to silence are to either deplatform or to frustrate or shame them into leaving environments where normies might be exposed to them. The main way to amplify your own views is to make them entertaining enough to get others to amplify them. Memes and dunks are much more effective than logical arguments.


See: Trump, Donald J.

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The Smaccer of Fun LDO


There’s no specific end goal. History doesn’t work that way. Fukayama was wrong in his belief about “universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.” Any theory of history that holds that communism is the inevitable end of history is also flawed.

One aspect of the world I want to live in would see a redistribution of wealth from white to non-white. How that is accomplished, whether through taxation or through actual confiscation of land and wealth, is not that important to me.

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This is mainly because people are stupid. I’m willing to advance my political views in a way that treats people as stupid and accepts the efficiency of emotional manipulation over logical arguments.



When all you’ve ever known is privilege, equality feels like oppression.


Fukayama be damned! That is an end goal.

Excellent quote. Borrowing. Thanks.


Seems like Twitter should also be on trial here. Maybe easier to convict/settle.

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Josh Hawley in the gallery, with his feet up, reading a book.

Coming around to the NotBruceZ view for this one specific person.


Why not Ted Cruz?

Most Republicans are fungible.

Riverman hasn’t been outraged by Cruz in the last hour.




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Bullshit on the Senate floor