The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

No offense, but do as I say not as I do?

I do not claim to be a master persuader with evidence being the low :heart: count for that post. I don’t claim to have insight in a lot of areas, but when I do figure something out I reserve the right to share it, even if no1curr.


Virgin Islands Rep is doing a great job drawing direct lines from the pre-election violence through to 1/6.


This is very well done, and this is a fantastic presentation.

I know we rightfully shit on Democrats all the time around here but this has been executed perfectly. They have no control over the GOP scumbaggery.


Just further proof we need to make VI a state along with PR and DC



Well, they’re mostly lawyers, and at least Swalwell is a former prosecutor. This is the most open and shut case since, well, I don’t know any other examples.


Is Swalwell presenting?

I wasn’t trying to imply there was some call about them plotting. I totally agree Trump was just an unwitting moron being used. That’s still super incriminating. Like show examples of how horribly dangerous this guy was for national security and show how Republicans protected that. Everyone who isn’t a hardcore Trumper should be shown how owned America was getting these last 4 years.

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Yeah, he was on earlier.

Shit how did I miss that?

Oh right I had an hour long meeting at work. Totally forgot. Swalwell is great. I would gladly support a presidential run in a few years

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lol what? Aren’t most if not all these people facing like max 1 year in jail?

That said I could see a handful of the militia type people feeling betrayed that Trump backtracked and threw them under the bus. I bet they really thought they’d get a pardon if anything went wrong.

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He was apparently good enough to get trending on Twitter (but not enough for me to want to tune in, ldo).

You didn’t really miss anything. He didn’t stand out or anything, which is a testament to the entire team - they are all presenting their case very well.

We shouldn’t take at face value what they say know in their own defense when threatened with a long prison sentence. This “change of mind” will mostly have been influenced by their lawyers.

Today I learned the Q-GA lady is a serial philanderer. Shocking.


Tuned in for ABOUT 15 seconds of the Chineeeese Kangaroo

Court in Congress led


Swallow!!! Or is it Swalwell???

PeeeLosi’s puppy Dog RULED BY Xi!!!

-My dads FB post.


Engaging in lots of casual sex is pretty cool and normal.

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I lol’ed