The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years


What time does this kick off today?

wat no

Dude you gotta stop trying to shoe horn in the political violence. Violence requires violent people and violent people aren’t the best partners after the violence is over.



It’s not necessary violence that I’m talking about.

Someone recently linked to this old Deadspin article on Twitter and I’ve been thinking about it.

What we have in Gamergate is a glimpse of how these skirmishes will unfold in the future—all the rhetorical weaponry and siegecraft of an internet comment section brought to bear on our culture, not just at the fringes but at the center. What we’re seeing now is a rehearsal, where the mechanisms of a toxic and inhumane politics are being tested and improved. Tomorrow’s Lee Atwater will work through sock puppets on IRC. Tomorrow’s Sister Souljah will get shouted down with rape threats. Tomorrow’s Tipper Gore will make an inexplicably popular YouTube video. Tomorrow’s Willie Horton ad will be an image macro, tomorrow’s Borking a doxing, tomorrow’s Moral Majority a loose coalition of DoSers and robo-petitioners and scat-GIF trolls—all of them working feverishly in service of the old idea that nothing should ever really change.

If you were to charge me with wanting to encourage toxic behavior on the left, I plead guilty. I’m not particularly concerned with what form that behavior takes.

Smacc is the destroyer?

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No, definitely not. The term “lynch mob” does not suggest violence at all.



Can you explain why you want to foment so much revolution/toxic behavior/violence? What’s your end goal? What’s your better world?

Yes the original shoot the “suspect” in the back. If you think today’s incidents are racially biased what until you hear about 1866-1964 roughly.

That along with the noose are two of the most incendiary phrases or symbols of all time.


Should’ve been a “Cmon man” there

The Republicans don’t have a single member in the House who could do 50% as well as Raskin is doing here. There is just a massive competence gap on top of all our other problems.

Hell it’s not just Raskin. All of the managers have done a phenomenal job so far

Oh good we’re still doing this bullshit


Send a letter :ok_man:


I see it as a necessary last resort. I don’t see a better way. And I see people who don’t agree with me as a bunch of Joe Manchins.

There are those who might describe my end goal as “white genocide”. And they’re not necessarily wrong, if we understand that the term does not mean mass killings of white people. People think the culture war is about abortion and homosexuality and religion. I would frame it more in terms of whiteness (and also a particular view of masculinity).

My better world is one in which the conservative side, the wypipo side, loses a culture war.

I’m still concerned that the House managers aren’t going to go back throughout Trump’s presidency to show how he riled up his followers for four years. Shit like how he said the election he won was rigged and that millions voted fradulently and the LIBERATE MICHIGAN shit, showing how he had been motivating and encouraging insurrectionists well before Jan. 6.

It all built up to the last few months.

So a world in which few people are racist or misogynist?

Fewer, perhaps. I’m not sure you can have a world where few people are such.