The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

The calls are probably more along the lines of sad/embarrassing rather than super incriminating, if I had to bet. My impression of Trump’s relationship with Russia based on the various articles that have been put out there, is that he’s basically a useful idiot who they cultivated as an unwitting asset by playing to the weaknesses of his personality disorder. So I don’t think the conversations would really come across as super incriminating, like two conspirators trading notes about their con. Rather it would be Putin flattering Trump putting up with his idiocy and coaxing info out of him.


Yeah, even if Trump was a literal Russian agent (he wasn’t) and Putin the all knowing Machiavelli (he isn’t), then the latter surely won’t be stupid enough to put it on tape.

Though maybe there’s a tiny chance of stuff like…

“I’m sorry, Donald, I have no idea what you’re talking about there.”

“But, Vladimir, you wrote those perfect and 10 million percent legal messages yourself!”

“This is very confusing, I don’t know anything about them, they don’t sound anything to do with Russia. We’ll speak some other time.”

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it’s really not much of a question, it has the shift a LOT more than most people think when they say this because of two things

  1. these guys are more and more insulated from their constituents

  2. they’re more worried about getting primaried than losing a general

none of this is going to change until one of these guys loses a primary to a “normie” republican


Judge: “Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?”

Jury: “Your honor, while the defendant has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to be guilty, if the defense had put forth the arguments that we already believe and wanted to hear, we’d definitely find the defendant innocent. So, we’re going to acquit.”



Remember when we all cheered Eric Cantor’s primary loss? Whoops.

It’s not like he got some victory today. He may “win” this case in the end, but I’m hiring cat lawyer 100 out of 100 times over him.


At what point is Trump scheduled to take the stand and reveal he’s still President?


No your not…

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Everything gets ruined. Dammit.

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It would get laughed out of court? God, I am not going to miss these lawbro wishcasting takes.


I held it back long enough for peeps to have some fun with it before bringing in the hammer.

Danspartan, Destroyer of Fun, Third of His Name


This makes it funnier, imo

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Edit: More appropriate meme for conversation


Two open state criminal investigations, both being carried out by black women.

How delicious.


I cannot stress enough how important it is for the country that Trump does not skate criminally. I’ll freely admit I thought he’d be in exile or arrested by now and am genuinely confused why he’s still golfing, fucking prostitutes, and doing drugs all while being frantically sucked up to by the GOP while they beg him not to give them another swirly.

But let’s be clear here… he can’t actually skate. If he does the next guy who takes a shot at overthrowing the government will be here soon and won’t miss. We’re literally creating a situation where anyone who gets the opportunity to make themselves dictator maybe can take a free swing at it and all they risk is some embarrassment maybe. Trump needs to be made an example of. That’s the only kind of message people like that are going to actually respect.


Wake me up when there is an actual indictment.

I’ve been reading about “launched investigations” for 4 years. We don’t need more investigations, we need a fucking arrest. The guy filed a decade of fraudulent NY State tax returns, fucking arrest and charge him already.

What’s the GA investigation supposed to do? “Well, uh, after 3 months of (checks notes) listening to the tape you all heard, we’ve determined who fucking cares it’s GA he’s never getting convicted."